man.. lol its crazy what ppl can talk about on a formum lol not like the GM cares about what ppl think lol hes still like "eff you ppl we are still fixing it" if not now then later and btw the site been down for like 4 -5 days xD you guys just now posting the jonas is gonna be down IT BEEN DOWN lol but thx for informing us…
yea i think they are doing a update for some contest for valentine.. maybe there was a bug who knows pwi is full of surprises..=.=
same here x.x
how cute is that the way u talk ROFL
slide on the grid is 100% epic fail... talking about cookies how the world.. can the conversation start from the GM is fixing server to..-.- cookies and ice cream..b:laughb:laughb:laugh crazy how the world works now-a-days
some things just arnt ment to be said.. lol dont be a hero
mee.. no playboii.. just adding a little excitement.. u women get all the credit so i had so show some kinda pride ima manb:pleasedb:laugh even though it was stupid but.. still.. i hope the game do come on.. soon i am bored out of my mind.. and can start lvling my character,b:thanks i just dont wanna go to bed ya know .. u…
i just read everything ppl said.. some in causes of arguements most of it is rubbish.. but i laughed soooo much.. its funny how a few hours of game play being canceled shows all the ppl and personallities.. b:laugh i had fun reading this so i had to post this.. lol and i have to admit... PWI.. is 100x better then Jade…