xenophobe Arc User


  • Blade Tempest is the most "all-purpose" of the AoEs. It damages robes very nicely, and light armors pretty well. Dragon will outdamage it on heavies and light armors, but it's a lot harder to cast without being noticed. In fact, dragon outside of TW is fairly rare. You only have enough SP/money to max one ultimate at a…
  • It's not that there are too many players on the server total, it's that most of the players are in the same level range and need to do the same quests, etc. Hence why I'd prefer multiple channels. If they added more servers, I think there'd be a lot of problems finding people to grind with at the higher levels and do the…
  • More servers or putting channels on the servers we have currently would be nice, yeah. I would prefer channels (like maybe 5 or so) over more worlds, though. I played on Lost City before a friend asked me to move to Heaven's Tear.. and LC was a lot less crowded (even the low level areas). Alternatives are playing at night…