xarquess Arc User


  • Well reading all those complaints.. I can only say... 'Give Seekers Anti-stunn skills - as they got only 'Unfetter' - makes u immune to movement debuff - only if sage'.. that's the only skill.. give us more stunning skills - got only 1 or 2.. give seekers more debuffs working in pvp.. like Heart seeker ect.. All You do is…
  • Due to Your Question: I've already sent ticket abou it and there You Go :) Hello, Thank you for contacting us. We understand you are inquiring about purchasing zen via mobile options. Unfortunately, Perfect World Entertainment is no longer supporting mobile payments. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this…
  • Why won't we make a Maintenance at Different Times not when Territory Wars are about to Due.. Losing Land one week, and losing Chance to get it back next.. Not the way it should be i believe.... b:surrender
  • Either way this game is not going to be free-to-play sooner or later.. In my opinion DQ should be left as they are. There is no other way to ruin game-play of people than taking another way of earning some cash to players that doesn't spent 10h/day playing.
  • [UPDATE - 3-25-2013] - Warsong City weapon mold drops will be fixed in the next update. - Val[/QUOTE] Well, what about FFC then? It also should be priority as it's affecting gameplay in some way.. Xarr