wolfish11 Arc User


  • Typo on: Brightness Pill should say 20k vitae but says 2k. It gives 20k when opened which is correct. Hallowed Entity and Rigious Origin still have an incorrect descriptions at forges. The lvl 2 version of these still has this issue just with a 2 listed after the item name.
  • There's kind of no point to set a limit as people will find an alternative method to sell gold, even if it is more risky. Unless you want the auction house for gold selling/buying to be redundant at some point, any limit can be eventualry be reached
  • Never acturaly had that occur and I'm on the dawnglory server. If it occurs when a nuke fails I can get that causing a dc due to the sheer amount of mobs that spawn if it get's down to say 1%. Only thing can suggest is you lower your graphic settings both though 'u' and from the little wrench above your hp bar (top left)…
  • Reflection is only effected by your current lvl, so a lvl 100 rb will get the same as a lvl 100 non rb, and a rb lvl 50 will get the same as a lvl 50 non rb. Deep reflection works the same way but I believe gives 2x the amunt of exp you normaly get for your lvl. But yea I do the same get to lvl 99 then use the pills,…
  • Depends on your ability of your charater but here is a general list of things you can do to make coin: * Jolly old Jones (JoJ) - This is more for alts at lvls 21~80, where lvls 71~80 gives the most coin * EU - Books (can sell theses for like 2m or so depending on server) * AEU - Can sell the pots, as well as get other…