I'm on TT server and having issues for about 45 minutes now. Noticed people dropping offline suddenly then I dc'd. Get the same notification on character screen of being kicked off the server and characters not being found to display (not exact wording).
+1. you guys all think you have it worse than veno's and mystics.
Dragon Points Accumulated: 1,465,723 all spent but 23 oddball points
I've submitted about 10k dq points in last 3 days. It tells me, the last time i vendored anything was 11/27. I should have enuf to get that d/s card with a few left over. But, alas, it's a weekend.b:shedtearb:cry
Originally Posted by frankieraye Hey all, We've definitely got plans for our 4th anniversary, but the fact that it fell on on a holiday weekend this year made us feel that it would be best to delay the festivities by a few days, as it takes the coordination of many different groups of people for special pages to go live…
I've been checking all day for some update to anniversary and maint. seen nothing. so what's the deal? many have been very patient with all this since it was a weekend/holiday. soon many more will lose their patience. what's so hard about putting up a post telling us why we are waiting, when you plan on implementing the…