waterwalkeroni Arc User


  • When will they get back? I can't TW now.
  • The ONE week you guys NEED to update the game to remove the "Anti-**** Fail Program", you cancel?
  • I'm done QQing. Put in a ticket and still no response. You can close or move this topic. Going to another game.
  • They didn't even put a reason. They just banned me. Other people have said a GM talked with them about what they were doing before the ban was made. I've followed all the rules, used no third-party software, and I've been playing for years without any problem. Now they just ban people for no reason. What a lovely game.
  • Look at the top 50 of the server. Most of them are in Nefarious. And yes, I did just pick 2 other servers at random. I picked the new Raging Tide and everyone talks about how bad **** Lost City is for its PvP so I picked that to.