vyron Arc User


  • You seem to be worried more about your levels than anything else. This is a "Beta". Levels should not matter as much as "testing" the game to make it smoothe. If you are here to "level" and thats all, then maybe you should not be here. It IS a Beta after all and you should expect to have wipes, specially after closed…
  • For some it is, for others it is not..to each their own..btw. Without the early RPers no MMO would exist today :cool: I used to in the past but todays ****/Emos/Epeeners make you want to punch them rather than RP with them. hehe
  • You are thinking of: Inappropriate link removed. I'm sure the OP means different then from your mindset :)
  • Failure is not based on the class but the player controlling it. ;)
  • Botters do suck and if they were allowed to do so within a guild then the whole guild is ****..Simple! You also keep going on and on and on about how Uber you are..S T F U already!!! You are the same as anyone else when we all start at level 1 come the 19th. Remember..We will have NEW US PLAYERS and EURO players that know…
  • You are not forced to PK or get PKed on the PvE server. There will be two of each per west and east coast. But PvE can get boring and if you cant kill someone who keeps annoying you it's not worth it. :)
  • Sigh.. It's called stereotyping first of all... It was a good post. He wasnt specifically talking about anyone or a guild. He was explaining what limitations there are if you PvE or PvP! All you are doing is adding discussion for a different topic. Read what he says again to understand it. Stop adding your own topics. They…
  • Has this been confirmed or is your info based on the MY-EN version?
  • You read it on the features page: But as was replied you will be able to play it :)
  • I know that already. He was generalizing the aspects of the PvE and PvP options. So it was a good post. Not everyone knows this.
  • Good post. These are the "red" PKs that are "good", so the PKKers should not bother them even thou they may be red. :)
  • That actually brings back old memories from my UO days, but we had no vent then, just IM hehe. Glad you explained your guild a little bit better there. Guys sound pretty good to have around. :)
  • ROFL Wow...so me not knowing you gives me no right to speak about PKers? If you are in your early 20s I'd say I was PKing before you graduated Middleschool :) I am the co-founder of "Fires of Heaven" who started out back in UO PKing and robbing everything in sight..Does it matter to you? No..why? Because you dont know me…
  • East coast here, I'll be there. Why do you need me there thou? Before you answer, remember.. 1. You dont know me 2. I dont know you 3. Are you serving free drinks? :D
  • LOL PKers that gank lowbies are the biggest reason PKKs exist. To police those asshats that truely have no balls to fight fair. If you PK someone who flagged for an even fight then there should be np, the PKKer should move on. 90% of the time PKers prey on the weak. Thats why PKKers exist in these games. Red = dead btw…
  • So the red PKer should have left the white guy/gal alone in the first place right?? RIGHT?! *cough*
  • I've seen this in the past and been part of it. I may join you on that venture. Alot of people also have the misconception that all reds are bad. That is not correct. There may have been a reason people went red against white that are justified as other than "ganking". Could be a dispute, a known troublemaker who talks the…
  • With the exception of this: This has been stated already, just reinerating. :)
  • It's all I read since you seem full of yourself. You sure had to type alot to explain your reasoning there (which you seem to keep repeating over and over) and we all know the story of the dead horse. Do you need confirmation of approval from the community to make your statements sound "smart"? I already let it go and took…
  • No! What are you trying to get? A gankfest of reds killing whites knowing they have a 20% chance to drop their gear? Thats ****! Sure there is a chance to drop if a red kills a white, but it should be more like 1% chance, not freaking 20%, no matter what level. If that were the case then reds should have a 100% chance to…
  • Pick the server you have the best connection with and /or if you decide you want to play on PvP or PvE also. Up to you. Once you find it, then worry about friends :)
  • East Coast representing! :cool:
  • Thanks Lost City for me...why you ask? Because the first person I see that acts all Emo about Chuck Norris dies! If you are a carebear on the PvP server and start QQing, You will die. Dont get me wrong all. I will not gank for no reason. I will be a normal player just like the rest, just hate it when people come to the PvP…
  • Fair enough... I was a PKer back in UO. Funny how I became one..I was PKed over and over by a guild..I remember the name "Company of the Damned" Eventually joined up with them and formed "Fires of the Heavens" which we were forced to change to "Fires of Heaven" They became famous later on as they went to EQ and beyond. I…
  • You are not telling me anything new. I know the PvE servers have a PvP element to them, just like the PvE "WoW" servers. But they are not called "OPvP servers". That name does not exist. You need to stop trying to Police people too much acting like you know everything there is in MMOs. You dont and I dont either! I've been…
  • Sorry you didnt understand this meaning. It was based on a response. There is no thread with this subject header. It's ok thou. :)
  • It's called a PvE server because people dont have to look over their shoulders for PKs and can concentrate on the content. So PvE is the correct answer. Optional PvP? LOL "Hey buddy, Lets go play on the OPvP server"? PvE servers are called that for a reason and its not due to the lack of PvP. There are many games out there…
  • This is why Torrent is not reliable at all unless you have hours and days to DL a 1gb+ file. You are better off doing a DD:)
  • From your other post below.. I dont need to fix problems on my end. Maybe my ISP wont allow for certain speeds and thats fine. I have a 10 MB cable connection and have tried different ways (in the past) to get torrent to comply, with lots of reading, tweaking, trial and error. And since Torrent emerged it has always been…
  • Why not tell your friend to play on the same server as you? Ding ding ding! :eek: