vaicase Arc User


  • wtf, "redhead" is I thought it was "redneck"!!!
  • I really don't think its fair that anyone (especially blue named players) can pick up the drops from a PK! A lot of people have worked very hard to build their characters to fight each other, only to have someone who has done nothing, come along and pick up our prizes from that hard work. Just yesterday I missed out on a…
  • Some Bm's had chosen their R8 weapon before the R8 recast idea's were known to us, I think its unfair that people that have been playing longer (and therefore had already chosen the weap) are loosing out. When R8 recast was introduced, all the bm R8 weapon choices should have been either reset given 1 chance to choose…
  • I am a R9 +12 JoSD BM, Against psychics with similar and even better gear and in a fair fight (self buffs), I win all the time. Although I have built my character and learnt to fight psychics...I think this shows that if you learn to fight each class and build your character right then you will have no…
  • I would definately like to see this implemented! Its not really a fair thing to do for those of us who have been loyal players for longer a we have been "screwed over" due to having chosen before R8 recast had even made the forums. I think BM's should be aloud at least 1 more swap...if not for everyone then just those of…