vagrant0 Arc User


  • And words of another Veno about how "charms aren't needed". You're right, veno's don't need charms, they just need a gold meatball and a nix. Oh, right... Those come from cash shop too. No wonder you aren't upset over this, you probably already have yours. Hate to break it to you, but skill doesn't amount to very much. A…
  • You want a simple solution to the long term problem... Gold prices... The devs probably won't like it, but the only real solution is to make the prices of things like Angels, Socket Stones, Charms, Battle Pet Packs, Telecoustics, Teleport incense/stones, Inv/Safe/cupboard/pet stones, Exp scrolls, and similar change on a…
  • Sure... If you happen to be a person who likes being pathetic compared to most others. There's a reason why people aren't usually wearing storebought, white, unsharded gear past level 70. What you CAN do and what is PRACTICAL to do are two entirely different things. There is no mandatory requirement to level past level 1…
  • If it was a matter of one box per person, this would be valid, but with some people buying 200-300 boxes at a time, the point is rather moot. The real harm this "event" is doing is to the gold prices and general economic stability. You can't do runs that require charms when charms cost more than 2m coins each. People who…
  • It's not that the price point was too low, it's that the box was in the Boutique to begin with. Turns the game into being entirely about how much gold you have and how lucky you are. People who worked for their stuff over the past year feel betrayed and insulted.
  • PWI just broke itself with these packs. Back to finding a new MMO, thanks for the year of memories, but this kinda ends things for me since it has now made any sort of gameplay too oriented around the Cash Shop. Was bad enough trying to rake together 50m for a legendary pet, now I'll be having to spend 2m coins daily just…
  • What do I want? Or what criteria do I use when picking gear? If it's what I would want... That's a rather open ended question. And really doesn't provide any help since it'll never happen. If it's what do I use to pick my gear, that's a bit more standard. I have a light armor veno and an arcane veno I use for farming. For…
  • *sprays some troll-b-gone* Just not a practical idea, in any context. Heck... even the Taliban thought it was immoral... And they go strapping bombs to teenagers and women. Just not going to happen.
  • Sawfly... Starts with level 1 bash... Level 2 bash 200k Level 3 bash 400k Level 4 bash 600k Ripping Bite (why Nixes are so feared) Level 1 300k Level 2 500k Level 3 700k Level 4 900k Tough (needed so that sawfly can live long enough to do damage) 300k Ok, so 1.8m if you don't level up tough, and are happy with level 4…
  • Just wanted to point out some tips for leveling up a pet that is much lower than you... The experience a pet gets is based not on your level, but their level compared to what is being killed. So starting with a level 5, 9, or 19 pet can be rather easy to level up once you hit the level 60+ range and start running into…
  • Save up for a herc and a nix. Doesn't really make much sense spending the 2m+ it would take to give a sawfly the right skills when you intend to buy a nix later. Even with the right skills, the sawfly is still quite a bit worse than the nix since it has much lower health and damage.
  • Get a Dicipline genie for yourself, and use it for a few weeks, it's always been one of those things which just looks wrong.
  • It reduces it, but eliminates it. But then again so does never being red/pink name.
  • Why would anyone re-roll? I could understand maybe no longer putting as much effort into your main, but deleting it? Especially if you've already spent gold maxing bank, inventory, earned high level gear, and done all those bosses. just seems like a complete and total waste to me, even if it ends up making every BM totally…
  • I believe it was something they removed if it did allow the item to remain. At any rate, this probably isn't going to happen since it forces people to keep buying new equipment instead of just selling/trading out, which ultimately means more people spending money.
  • You wouldn't need to have things instanced, and outside help isn't like it really changes anything about the quest. There aren't many places along the routes where you will encounter anything that a person wouldn't be able to solo, walk between some towns some time. Most of it is just clearing the path, or the time it…
  • Remake... You have WAY too much vitallity for any practical build. Might as well pick a non-pvp server while you're at it so that you have time to learn how to play your character and how to build. And yes, read the stickies.
  • Well, the mixed build has the most advantages in terms of being able to solo bosses or take out specific targets since you can plan your equipment around said target. But yes, it's generally a good idea to use a full set of one or the other, maybe swapping out one or two pieces in certain cases. In trying to do the heavy…
  • Well, that ends of things depends on how willing you are to be constantly switching out your gear, and what you can afford. The downside to a mixed build is that you end up with a few pieces of equipment which are several levels lower than you, namely weapon. I can't seem to find it, but a few months ago there was a rather…
  • Should be able to do solo mode fine with a magmite by level 63. Main limitation here being your pet heal and not so much which pet is used. Before 63, you would likely need to have something like a properly skilled qingfu or shadou (or herc, obviously), a pure caster build, and a fair amount of -chan gear to keep up with…
  • Ok, but only if the following conditions are present. The summons are also created by means of a one time use item that is destroyed after usage, like potions, appocathary, and the like. Each of those summon items costs 500k-5m depending on level. The summons die the moment they are hit by anything, regardless of the…
  • Except for 2 differences. Although you still end up earning back everything from using the hammers on the crates at this point between the cards, the shards, and such, it's still an investment of 700-900k that you won't be getting back until around level 75 from what was in the crate. The weapon is also a bit weaker,…
  • Well, maybe if you start working that Crazy Stone angle like many others, and earning less than 100 coins per shard for the sake of convenience. But really, 1 hour spent grinding and selling DQ items to NPC will likely earn you more than a day of sitting around with a shop open. But who knows, if you happen to be one of…
  • Erm, it's 4-5m for a kowlin these days on some servers, piggy is between 2 and 4 depending on seller or server, with all the other "good" rares being not too far behind. Those people with channeling gear, or which are just killing the spawns, only care about maintaining these ridiculously high prices because more often…
  • Only because many of the older guilds have been too unstable to last once they start losing (Empire, RoC, Evolution, Radiance (to a point), Triad, to name a few), or they had too much internal drama that caused members to leave. And because of all the stuff that many of these factions pulled with eachother (lies,…
  • Which is why you should probably only fight back if you think you can win. There are some who will use a weaker weapon or pet to hit you so that you cannot determine their real strength, and will switch, or use skills to kill you the moment you fight back. If you fight back, you become pink and have a higher chance of…
  • The problem with the boxes is that although it might, in a way, set the gold price at 200k each to break even, this kinda defeats the point of even opening the box. It also doesn't do anything to help limit some sort of maximum for gold prices beyond what people are willing to pay. So is kinda fail on both ends of that…
  • Hard, yes. But not needlessly. Try clearing the way to any of the bosses in FB59 without wine or a level 80+ party. Half the time you'll end up with spawns who run up onto the hills and keep hitting you from inaccessible locations, or who run back to others. If you aren't high enough level to know what I'm talking about…
  • I was thinking bot or bought account myself... But we'll go with your answer.
  • I do? I don't recall saying that rebirth quests don't exist, I just wasn't counting them since rebirth quests are generally not something that people can do on their own, at a moment's notice, or even realize they exist until level 70+. Rebirth quests also end up having rather specific requirements of charms, classes in…