trayz Arc User


  • ok so ill corrrect it its a ZIP not RAR but same diffrence more or less But it doesnt matter couse it doesnt work either way. Tryed saving it then unzipping just got error. Tryed dling it stright and open once done sone as DL had finished it opened but then errored The torrent works fine. I have it installed now thanks to…
    in fix your exe Comment by trayz May 2013
  • umm the direct download is a rar file aswell that does nothing but say corupted file i swear is it that hard to understand what ive said? last night when i first DLed it it poped up with the **** your talking about and had its own download manager or w/e installed fine took 50mins and could log in my pc crashed this…
    in fix your exe Comment by trayz May 2013
  • i dont get why in the hell they even changed it from the exe... this is **** every other game has an exe that you just download and click run,....... Hell last night it was an exe..... but pc crashed so had to reinstall and now i get this ****....
    in fix your exe Comment by trayz May 2013
  • i know that but as i stated in the post no matter how meny times i try it just has Corupted files and wont extract it does this on 3 diffrent PCs the rars dont work
    in fix your exe Comment by trayz May 2013
  • ahh i like things the way they are no offence as redness said :x its kinda realistic xD and before this turns into another **** vs stright b*tch fest.... personaly every game that has allowed that (im not sure on the RO thing never carred to play it lol) but the ones i know and have played that tested that pretty much…
  • ok now the noob question of the day >.> whats a "your spirital cultivition" quest lol >.>