fix your exe

trayz Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Support Desk
it doesnt download as an exe it downloads as a rar which always seys corrupted and unable to install or unrar

Fail suport
Post edited by trayz on


  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You have to extract .rar files using winrar or another extraction program. After that you can run the installation.
  • trayz
    trayz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You have to extract .rar files using winrar or another extraction program. After that you can run the installation.

    i know that but as i stated in the post no matter how meny times i try it just has Corupted files and wont extract it does this on 3 diffrent PCs the rars dont work
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trayz wrote: »
    i know that but as i stated in the post no matter how meny times i try it just has Corupted files and wont extract it does this on 3 diffrent PCs the rars dont work

    *waits for Sylen to come and tell you the problem because I've never had this issue so have never looked into it*
  • trayz
    trayz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i dont get why in the hell they even changed it from the exe... this is **** every other game has an exe that you just download and click run,.......

    Hell last night it was an exe..... but pc crashed so had to reinstall and now i get this ****....
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited May 2013
    OK here's the thing....

    What it used to be was a little "install.exe" file that downloaded the client from the PWE servers and then ran the installer.

    What it is now is a downloader that downloads the client from cloud servers so that there isn't a big load on the PWE servers. In theory, the cloud storage will also allow you faster download speeds. This utilizes Pando media Booster. There's nothing **** about it, and it's almost identical to the method that was used over 4 years ago.

    The alternative is to download the torrent, which is a .rar file. It minimizes the size to allow for faster downloading, and is distributed in the cloud similar to the above Pando method.

    The caveat: Thanks to the archaic tech used in the client, a lot of antivirus programs will falsely identify some of the files as viruses. This is because a lot of the commands to call data from the linux servers look very similar to trojans used in Office macros. So they get flagged and "cleaned" Quarantined, or locked.

    Which is why, you absolutely must read all of the information on the download page about antivirus software, and take the appropriate actions.

    I find that a good 80% of the time someone complains about this, it's because they didn't bother to read the instructions and disable their antivirus/anti-malware/firewall software before they started out on this venture.

    In fact, if most of them had bothered looking around a little bit, they would see hundreds of posts, asked and answered, that state pretty much exactly this.

    In conclusion, Here, once again, is the best method for downloading the client. It's been posted and linked hundreds of times, but here is a thread on the subject yet again, and so here is the answer, yet again. (I swear to god, I was just posting it this morning in another thread here.)
    1. Download and install torrent software. (I recommend utorrent.)
    2. Click on the "Download Torrent" link on the Downloads page.
    3. Once the download is finished, go to the directory your completed downloads are in and you will see a file named "PWI_v699_Installer.rar".
    This is a compressed file. you will need something to unpack it. (I use ALZip)
    If you right-click on the file, there should be an option to "Extract to 'PWI_v699_Installer\'". Click that and it will unpack the file into a directory with the same name as the file.
    4. Temporarily disable the active scan for your antivirus software.
    5. Once the file is done unpacking, navigate to that folder. (Hint: It should be "utorrent\Downloads\PWI_v699_Installer".
    6. In this folder there is a file called "install.exe". Run it. (If you have Vista or newer, right-click and choose "Run as Administrator.)
    7. Follow the directions to install the client.
    8. After the client is done installing, add the directory where it installed to the exceptions list for your antivirus software. (The default folder location is "C:\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International")
    9. Launch the client using the icon that was placed on your desktop during the install and let it update.
    9b. Launch the client and then close it before it updates, and then download the manual patches needed to bring the client up to date and install them. (Manual method is about 80% faster than automatic.)
    10. Play

    Read step 1 carefully. >.<
    Now, the final word. I absolutely swear, that if you have any kind of halfway decent, normal computer setup, and you follow the directions exactly, you will not have any issues installing the client. . Actually playing it, is another matter. If you have issues after the install, Read this post and follow the instructions before you bother to post again.

    Also note: People will complain about what I say. They'll say I'm being an ***. Personally, I don't care. I'm being frank. I'm being very blunt. And I'm telling you exactly how it is. I've been supporting this game for almost 5 years now. I've been supporting MMO's either as support staff, GM, or even a developer for over 15 years now. I've been supporting computers and networks for over 25 years.
    I learned it all by simply rubbing two brain cells together and applying myself. You can do it too. It's not hard to go looking for a solution before making useless QQ posts. Most people are just too damn lazy to put the effort into it. /rant
  • trayz
    trayz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    umm the direct download is a rar file aswell that does nothing but say corupted file

    i swear is it that hard to understand what ive said?

    last night when i first DLed it it poped up with the **** your talking about and had its own download manager or w/e installed fine took 50mins and could log in

    my pc crashed this morning and i endded up reformating it and now all i get is an option to DOWNLOAD A RAR FILE!!!!!!!! A RAR FILE!!!!! AGAIN RAR!!!!!

    nothing else other then that and the torrent which is the same a rar every time i do Download it i get a corrupted file on every PC i use ive tryed 3 diffrent ones


    After waiting 7 hours for the torrent Download i finaly got it to start the fkn instalation but the dirrect download still doesnt work same thing as before downloads a rar and when try to unrar it just has corupted file re download
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited May 2013
    Ok, so I stand corrected that sometime in the last week or so the change the direct download to PWI_EN_v699.ZIP. (Notice how that isn't a rar file.)

    I'm downloading it now to test it. Should take about an hour, which means I can check it for integrity after I finish trials.


    Also, the torrent is no longer the .RAR file that it used to be, it is now the extracted installer files. (Downloading it also to test it as well.)

    Which means that I'll need to update my instructions with the most recent updates.

    Anyway, there is no RAR file in sight. RAR is not the same as ZIP. Compressed, yes, same, no.
  • kimy001
    kimy001 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    same as poster :( i cant get it to work and the torrent has a 9hour download......
  • trayz
    trayz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok so ill corrrect it its a ZIP not RAR but same diffrence more or less

    But it doesnt matter couse it doesnt work either way. Tryed saving it then unzipping just got error. Tryed dling it stright and open once done sone as DL had finished it opened but then errored

    The torrent works fine. I have it installed now thanks to that but it took fking forever to download useing it. As i said it took me 7hours with the torrent

    i can download and install Final Fantasy 11 faster..... and thats a 45gig game.....

    Dont know whats up with there servers but they need to fix that or **** ever downloading this again if i have to
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited May 2013
    Did you ever do anything about your security software? So far I have not seen anyone who has honestly fixed it and then had trouble with the download. Mines finished, files are just fine.

    Of course, I made sure to disable my active scan before I started the download and have the folders excluded so it would work properly. Both torrent, and the Zip came down fine without issues and installed.

    Both downloaded simultaneously, and the Zip finished a few minutes before the torrent. Not to mention I was running two clients in Trials at the same time. Sounds like you haven't touched your antivirus to keep it from messing up the files and you've got a bad path to the servers.
  • SirLancalot - Heavens Tear
    SirLancalot - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Havnt touched it.

    1 of the PC`s dont even have any Scanners on it the other had nortan which never use to couse any issues and the other has Trend Micro which again couses no issues with any other game and never coused an issue with this game before

    Direct download just doesnt work at all for me and the Torrent is slow as all can be.

    Might be a connection issue with the site dont know all i know is i have no issues on any other site

    I Downloaded **** and installed it before the torrent for this game even got to 15%
    Then installed final and updated it and it still finished before it got to 90%
    Installed Skyrim and Tomb Raider and Borderlands 2 VIA Steam so was no disc all Download before the last 10% finished

    So its not my net everything else downloads quiet fast just this game having issues with it

    <<is Trayz btw finaly added my char after 5years lol
  • Shardik - Lost City
    Shardik - Lost City Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bro hate to break it to you but if your pc has Microsoft security essentials, it counts as antivirus. You should do what sylen said and Deactivate your antivirus.

    And norton causes a lot of trouble from which i recollect when you are installing.

    And micro trend too from what i recall.

    Do what sylen says, lest you be subject to the madrigogs man.


    BTW. conglaturations on your first post with your char hehe
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited May 2013
    LOL at Norton not causing problems. Not only has it traditionally been one of the most problematic pieces of software to work with, but it's so bad that PWE actually has specific instructions and links if you're using it on the downloads page. (If you had bothered to read it.) Also, since a few months ago, Norton 360 will not only bork your installation of the client, but the firewall for Norton will cause you so much latency as to have 12k+ pings in-game and will cause you to DC like crazy.

    Trend Micro, and McAffee are nearly as bad as Norton. Also, not just Microsoft Security Essentials, but Windows Defender will even cause issues with the client.

    Also, comparing massive releasers like Steam or large companies that have craploads of available bandwidth with PWE, is about the equivalent of comparing the speed of a Corvette with the speed of a Ford Pinto, or even the hauling capacity of a station wagon versus that of a box van or semi trailer.

    So far, you haven't bothered to post any kind of troubleshooting steps, system information (link to Speccy profile, or it's worthless), or generally anything at all except "QQ, the company's product sucks".
    Which leads one to a very limited set of conclusions...
    1. You don't actually want it fixed and are just looking for reasons to ***** about the company/product.
    2. You are less intelligent than my daughter was at 5 years old and are having difficulty hiding it.
    3. I thought I had three, but I can't come up with anything better than you're just a moron.

    And seriously, even if you now, actually took the time and effort to post real data so that I could help you fix your issue, I wouldn't believe half of it. You'd probably go out of your way to figure out how to fake it to make it looks like you've done all the things I've mentioned, and are still having the issue.

    I have about 11 systems here. I test on OS's from Windows 98 to Win 7 (Soon 8), and Linux. (Sorry, but you aren't likely to find me tinkering with a Mac anytime soon, it's too limited.) I run the client on processors both Intel and AMD, and even dating back as far as the Pentium 3. (I do have some of the earlier AMD/Pentium1 chipsets I could run, but they don't have the power for the client.) Hell, I even run two PWI servers, and one of those is on an actual server.

    It's not the download or the company, it's you and your system. Get over it and start actually troubleshooting, or shut up. If your next post doesn't contain more intelligence than your last, I'm simply going to blacklist you for idiocy because you are just being a waste of my time, and anyone else who bothered to read this thread or help you.
  • xz0ne
    xz0ne Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trayz wrote: »
    it doesnt download as an exe it downloads as a rar which always seys corrupted and unable to install or unrar

    Fail suport

    Fix this using ALZip