toiletdog Arc User


  • entersandman here. WF - Phirefly. BM - LordKazhana. Cleric - Hiroto for sure. Archer - Yoshiki. Barb - None they all suck.
  • Let whoever wants to join CQ join them. If they want to play the game on easy mode let them. I like being hunting down my heaps of guilds and not accepting benefits (hand outs)
  • In other words become entersandman :) 50 str for a HP helm and hh90 weapon is like 48 or 49 i think. 270 magic for hh90 when i get to 90 dex 5 (base) Vit = rest. All bits have hp option and hp gemstones.
  • Heres a few:
  • Sweet I kan finally have a kool friend! Kan we run around Summer Kamp and pick some flowers?
  • How the hell did my user name appear like this... Entersandman here. About RQ attacking BLT, I along with most of the guild think it's by far the best option. BLT, CQ, and GZ are all against RQ thats well known. So as far as wars go who do you attack? CQ has been enemies since the start, well know fact, I have been pked by…