teraflare2010 Arc User


  • i see everyones point but teh truth is teh devs rush a game out to make money but expect ppl to be fine with bugs/glitches,i dont agree with that it SHOULD be beta tested many times to fix bugs glitches etc. as for the customer support well to be blunt it really does suck and needs improvement in vast areas,like…
  • pvp with around same gear is kool btu when you spend yoru entire 1st and 2nd mortgage on a game to become super OP it becomes an unlevel playing field ,just because you have no life and wanna spend all your welfare or disability money on a game dont mean you are allowed to be ***** . spend a week in a non super OP players…
  • i kind of agree with fiep the game has gone to hell since i started 5 years ago burnout and stricteen ,yall need to **** and ge ta real life ,if you wanna take a mortgage out or 2nd mortgage out to cashshop pwi then be my guest only proves how fail you both are .both in life and game the Gms or ppl who run pwi has gotten…
  • here is a question . what is pwi doin about all these acctsa gettin **** ,im bettin they are just countin their money cz 3 of my friends got **** and lost items and gms still havent responded .its gettin rediculous when you spend alot of money on a game just to have gms let ppl **** the acct .5they dont have a **** guard…