Welcome back. I'm also a returning player....well, a player that's trying to return, though the game won't let me play it. I mained as a cleric on Dreamweaver, now Tideswell. They had a server merge before I left. Sadly, I don't recall which servers merged with which, but hopefully you can get it in now. The update took a…
I shouldn't be in a banned area. (I'm on the East Coast of the U.S.) I was starting from the element client link, but I do have Arc already installed from previous updates before I left. I've never used Steam for Perfect World. My client was from before they came out with Arc, and I used Arc once they came out with it. To…
I'm in the same boat. I haven't played in years and decided to return. I updated the game. It attempts to log in, and disconnects before ever actually connecting. I'm disappointed to see that no one has replied for resolution solutions in this post yet. That's not a good omen for me as a returning player. ~SerenityCNB~
Hello all. It's been a long time. I'm not sure who the mods are anymore, but I would like to update my old guide. It'll still be out of date to some degree, as it's been years since I've played. (Duskblades and Stormbringers were just coming out around then.) To my understanding, there's some new glyph thing with skills…
I have to agree. It does suck. It wouldn't let me log onto the forums for a while. Thankfully I remember my password, but for whatever reason it still blocked me. Btw, Teabagg....are you who I think you are? (Frodo) Side note: I miss my real forum count from the old forums...
Hello all. SerenityCNB here. This is notoriously late, but to answer your question Castien (as well as anyone else who may be wondering), I've been out of game for a while, due to a variety of reasons. The guide however is still fully intact on my laptop. I had tried to.update the guide, and the old forums decided to clip…
Deleting this post, as I found the issue. If anyone was having the same trouble as I was...finding your other toons.... Click the arrows in the middle of the left hand side of the screen. It's vague and hard to see against the background...but it is there. That fixed it for me anyways.
LOL. I see what you did there. Dreamweaver getting flooded by the tide swell. Good job with the picture usage. Well played. Lol. And yeah, I just left her there because it was not many people go around Dreamweaver Port and it's close to things. I was originally going to put her deep in Lothloris, but changed my mind. LOL.
Ironically enough, I left mines in Dreamweaver Port too...where I normally leave her. (I'd post a picture, but I can't figure out how on this forum yet.)
I'm not on Harshlands, but I'm going to vote it as a no, since it's unfair to a majority of the playerbase, who now have to undergo such a drastic change after all of the effort, time, and money that they invested in it. I do feel at the very least that they should give you all the option to relocate to a different server,…
On my cleric, I've also been known to heal and buff random people while they are fighting mobs, or if they are just moving around in general and I notice that they don't have a particular buff activated. Thus far, no-one has been disrespectful to me in asking for a buff, so I've been blessed in that regard, but I've pretty…