is 300 really enough to solo instances? or can I still do 3str and 2 Vit after 60 Dex?
I know Mystics are an all around class but are they really worth having around in a squad? Or are they just a fun when I'm bored class. I have a level 95 one and I feel like I stuck not really doing much but being a second cleric and tossing res around. :/ can they really do high damage or about to tank instances with a…
I have a level 42 Mystic and i think that they can be most useful for new users if they go vit. build i am not so new so i use magic even thought it makes me squshy. LOL But the Mystic is hard to use if you try to do both roles in a squad so make your deision early. Sorry for the Spelling errors :)...........