Is it one of those good ol' raggedy buses where you can sit in the back and bounce up to the ceiling if you hit a good bump? If so, then I am in.
I heard a 1.3.6 server that closed down not so long ago was going to open back up. Not with the version it had when it shut down, but a version of it that was very fun and balanced.
His balls finally dropped.
What does zsw stand for? Zero Skill Whatsoever?
If it is on the internet it has to be true.
Yes. Now you can go back to kissing sync booty.
This game was designed by people who just wanted to make money. Or maybe it was designed by people who wanted to create an amazing MMO, but then it was taken over by people who just wanted to make money. They have no pride in the quality of their game and only design it to exploit human faults to get as much cash out of…
This is the funniest sht
just ignore the op He is just pissed off because his older bro Yulk picks on him all the time.
Tombstones in cube maybe? Some level a nix at those stonch worms outside RT. Neither way is quick, like fc quick though.
I would like to see.
Are those things that prevent you from killing bosses out of order?
I heard Androit plays on V. Would be a good opportunity for blood to see who is really da boss.
Are you Sneaker or some third world dude who stole her account?
Taco Bell
This is China. They couldn't care less what any minority thinks. PW adds same sex marriage and then all the devs will be locked in a dungeon or face the firing squad.
But do we know that demon BM's crit masteries are not supposed to stack?
Let's get married.
PW should just sell all PW rights, files, and developing tools to Turbine so we can talk straight to the devs.
Does that make you even more scared of Demon Troll?
I live in that run down shack you spawn next to when you leave Firecrag Grotto. And PW hasn't done much with housing outside of their p2p version because they are too stupid to realize how much the western world would spend on useless virtual goods like leather couches and saunas and sht.
I knew it was only a matter of time before demon troll chimed in.
Just more of the wasted space in this game. You can go all over the place and find things that look to be unfinished.
Well, getting at least 0.05 -int on both rank 8 boots and chest is in the realm of possibility although it still may take a lot. So I would use... Weapon -0.10 G13 Nirvy claws or Deicides for the vit Armors -0.05 R8 chest -0.05 R8 boots -0.05 L:UAD -0.10 Lunar Nirvy Wrist -0.05 G13 Lunar cape Non -int Elemental Cube Neck…
A significant increase in coin drops would help with things that don't change in price. Leveling skills, buying potions and npc gears for low level players, repairs, teleporting and other npc fees, etc. It would be very helpful to new players who don't already have a high level alt that can farm TT and other stuff.…
Best class and most op class is a barb. /close
Is this for PvE or PvP? Is this fantasy best gears possible or what is the limit? You just want max defense or something that can actually kill other players? Because if you just focus on def it kind of defeats the purpose of even using claws or fists.
Don't let anyone lie to you. The best way to get a mount is to buy zen (gold) with real moneys. Then take it to the auction house and trade it for coin. Then go to cat shop and buy a mount. Same applies to rep badges and anything else, except some things are cheaper bought straight from the boutique instead of in cat shops.
Why are people talking about Archosaur like it was old school? Sins, 5aps, power leveling, packs, and everything else we have that old school players didn't like was already out when Arch started.
Unce is a well respected member of this community and its contributions are invaluable. How dare you talk to unce like that!