Welcome back to PWI rebornwar! PWI has refactored tutorial and added the race Nightshade. If your favor is the focus on magic classes, I would recommend stormbringer. Also check-out the available PWI media. The class will be described in more detail on several content descriptions.
Hey Kalyst, thanks a lot for the update. Same as Joe (jsxshadow) stated out, it would be nice to get the further information about this issue or even that you are not allow to telling us any details about it. This may also lead to more understanding about current situation and supporting your taken activities. Cheers,
Of the topics of interest I'd like to collect information on will be the following - 1) Suggested Number of Multi-client Options Easy answer: 3 accounts Complex answer: 2 simple accounts with no/nearby no amount of cash in wallet plus 8 accounts if these accounts owning a specific charged amount for PWI So people who also…
Homestead SneakyZoe Screenshot 1: Starting Point Screenshot 2: Lake View Screenshot 3: Place to Live Screenshot 4: Interior Decoration
Memories from SneakyZoe about early PWI years I started to play PWI with 2010 on server Dreamweaver and jumped over to the European server after release date in 2011. Baby Archer SneakyZoe in 2012 Following, I recorded an early PV run as mostly no one was used to choose this option to level up so far. My objective was to…
Name: SneakyZoe Server: Dawnglory Profile UI: Beauty: Timestamp: Ini-File: Ini-File will be send as soon as I find out how-todo.
Hey icanhaznick, I following your concerns about world-boss drops and using the pick-up all button. But I don`t agree about your further ideas about disabling. Not sure on which server you are playing but in instances like JDH, JFSP or DUP one person banks all materials and at the end of this run we are sharing fairly the…
Hey, as always the right answer is: It depends ... Core question in PWI is often your gear strategy and how you want to achieve your targets. I assume, if you want to have casual PK it is necessary but not sufficient to get r9. PWI implemented a lot of additional improvemets, which will improve your gear stats, e. g. -…
Hey kalystconquerer, next to the already reported issue about titles, there is another issue with the glyphes regarding german client. 1. Titles In German Client Version the columns for activating click for showing title is not available. 2. Dialogbox Glyph Growth Dropping a glyph into the buttom slot for glyphes it is not…
Well, just saw the new spend promo and need to agree that rewards on different steps as well as 2,200 gold for one random S-card sounds a bit strange. In past - before it was possible to get nuema portal cards via spend promos - it was approx. 1,200 gold needed to get a random s-card based on my personal experiences. So it…
Tonight's Maintenance Question : What old instances would you like to see revamped/revisited and why? Would you participate in a "completion competition" if the rewards were compelling enough? Nirvana: Not everyone is able to run already UP/D-UP. Therefore, a little pimp-up of bosses and rewards should give smaller…
Good Morning, What is your favorite storyline/questchain in PWI and why? - Twilight Temples Background Story - Morai Story - Prime Story Many players just clicking through them for pushing forward. I like to read these main story lines by going through such quests and fascinated how PWI is building this MMO universe. Also…
Hey, I just laughed about your post here. If this issue is only assigned to one person, you could easily block him. If this is a root cause because he always creating new characters, this need to be reported but not to be discussed in an open forum of players. Especially your rude respectless behaviour is just showing,…
As I already said, the awareness about spam or no spam are different for each of us. 1-2 second sounds a bit confusing because there are automatic message blocks inside, which should avoid massive spam attacks already with same message content. But this one-hour-screenshot about one person will be also work-intensive. I…
The world of censorship is very complex at all. Everyone has his own acceptance and tolerance limits about this definition what is already abuse or still within tolerance acceptance limit. You are stating out, that you want to sell items via world chat. There exists a specific other channel for trading purpose;…
Last time in rotation Saki was also last. I could still remember very well because 2 people just waited for Saki to complete the nuema portal set. I was one of these people and already thought this must be the will of PWI to let me wait as long as possible ;)
Tonight's Maintenance Question - What is your favorite in-game event in PWI and why? Cross Server Events: Focus having fights with other servers are fun. I am a bit sad that xNW is replaced to old style in total.
Hey, ... all I want for christmas is: Snowball Event Arena Entry of instance should be accessible via cross server; so all people could fight against each other Entry Time should be 24/7 during advent season (except maintenance of course) All Skills should be changed into default skills according to snowball features…
Hey, thanks for the feedback/info in this thread. I was already wondering why I have not received any barbarian blood during spend duration time of this activitiy. So I will stay away about this event and dont touch it anymore. Cheers, Zoe
It is still bound, you only can use it on char your bought it (if character meets the requirements). Its still written on description, that it is not working for SB and DB (have not test it, if its true).
Will the new easter spend-reward now also changed afterwards from s chest to a pack for the 500 gold tier? -> Announcement Error or is it working again in the right way with the S Chest now? ... ok A chest ... answer given on webpage
Same Issue Sly, as well as at least two other faction mates. I also opened a ticket. They respond that I should wait until end of this event before I open a ticket about this issue. In my ticket I stated very clear out that it was a wrong item I received but they understood I want to state out that I miss an item reward…
Just one question from my side to Domino: 1. Asterelle and some others announced to you the errors. 2. You announced to fix it with a regular maintenance. 3. Everyone was aware afterwards, that it was not fixed -> for more than one month at least. 4. Why did you spend so much time in these list, if this bug was still very…
Thanks for this update mintsummer. I hope you also checked the dependencies to your other event where we need to complete this tower for the santa x-mas checklist.
I really like NW cross-server idea. I am from DA and so belongs always to the winner nation at the moment. But seriously, please change it for all. We need a more fair and balanced system. Mix-up the player base for each nation as also sange described before. If this is going on for server forces you will only win a lot of…
For me it looks like the rules of competition changed after the announcement. At start of announcement, I was not sure about it and checked forum for this and came to conclusion: Worth to participate because of server and not cross-server based. Especially, also the notes from other players were valid, that cross-server…
Pretty sure Support will find a fair solution for this. I don`t know the glitch (and don`t want to understand it in detail) but may it could be, that this veno even not wanted to achieve this result? In such case: 1. Remove glitch 2. Check/Identify if someone else used it (e. g. also by using a motivation gift for…
Hey, at all it was a funny experience to play with new players on one server. In general, it was relative smooth playing and less bugs as I expected. But there are still some things to mention: 1. Reward Please fix the amount of NW token reward for the server. 2. Balancing of Fights It was obviously, that EU server had a…
It is not only limited to PV. It seems there are several "time zones" within PWI at the moment; depending on map and instance. For example: Today NW: 22:14 Capture the flag ends 22:19 Landing Territory between fights 22:16 Enterning Crystal War 22:24 Crystal War ended because of NW end 22:21 Landing Territory between…
Since ~3 pm (Server Time) this error exists on Dawnglory. I got it as well as I wanted to relog my character and was not able to relog. I tested it also with my second account and asked some other players from my faction who all get the same error. Therefore, it should be most probably an error from PWI side. An official…