Pickup-All suggestion

icanhaznick Posts: 2 Arc User
Hello World,

I'm sure I'm not the first to complain about the whole "Pickup-All" Thing, although I find it helpful sometimes. Yet I'd like to know if it is disabled on events, such as the Pinata Bosses and other drop based events. I think the reasons for the question are obvious, since it would be pointless for everyone without it to even participate.

Further I'd like to suggest to disable the pickup-all in "free for all" squads (or make the sqd leader able to disable it when making the sqd, just like deciding whether the drops will be random or free for all), since nobody else actually has a chance to pick anything up if theres just one person able to pick up everything without sharing (warsong, FSP). And ofc you dont know if theres actually anyone in the squad with the skill when you join. Pickup-All is great for farming and grinding, but it is a slightly unfair advantage to other players when actually playing together. Since you have to spend a lot of money to actually be able to obtain the "skill", its simply not possible for most to get it. Im just trying to make a little more fair suggestion so that everyone can enjoy events and drops in a group without the frustration of getting nothing after an instance/arguments with other players over sharing drops. So please no "sucks to be you then" comments :-)

I assume it would lead to massive frust especially at the Pinata Boss Event. If this Topic already exists, Im sorry that I didnt find it.

Bye World *waves*


  • sneakingzoe
    sneakingzoe Posts: 49 Arc User
    Hey icanhaznick,

    I following your concerns about world-boss drops and using the pick-up all button.

    But I don`t agree about your further ideas about disabling.
    Not sure on which server you are playing but in instances like JDH, JFSP or DUP one person banks all materials and at the end of this run we are sharing fairly the loot to all team members. We assure in this way, that the share value is balanced as good as possible for all the people. Using the pick-up-all button with option "free" is therefore a great benefit, especially because there are a lot of drops. For myself this button is exactly in this function one of the biggest advantages.

    In addition, you telling us, that you are afraid about not getting all the drops, which should be own by you.
    Well, this arguement could be also turned in the other way around. If you decided to carry some random people through an instance for getting culti or smth else, I am often surprised, how precise they already picking the loot with most value without any shame. For preventing this behaviour this button could be also a very useful method.

    In conclusion, I would suggest to re-think the loot share of these open world-bosses for the assigned events, if this pick-up-button is really so powerful for this situation. I remember that the loots were also wide spreaded so that pick-up-all function should be minimized. But may be, also the kind of loot (better loot) with assignments to people could be an improvement for such situation. A disabling function sounds imho a little bit difficult due to so many different situations.

  • icanhaznick
    icanhaznick Posts: 2 Arc User
    Thank you for your answer sneakingzoe, I didnt think Id write such a long reply but you know how it goes...Once you start typing ;-) I am by no means trying to offend anyone personally, Im just trying to explain the experience ive made on both my high levels and my little ones.

    In a perfect world, which my server (Etherblade) is unfortunately galaxies away from, the way you described it, is how it should work. And with sqds made of faction mates and such, it does work like that just fine. But then you have the random groups for whatever instances. There are so many, lets just say..."black sheep" in this game that it is just a very frustrating experience.
    I cant imagine that my server is the only one that is having problems with looters and such. You always have that one person that picks up all the pages in FSP or the books or whatever. Personally I prefer random drops over anything because the whole banking system, again, usually only works if the sqd leader actually gives a damn. When Im making a sqd, I bank, no questions asked, drops at the end of the instance, as you explained...And then there is the thing with the other 7/10 (or so). If you are at the point where you can afford pick-up all, you dont care about pages or other drops anymore, because you are already pretty loaded. But the majority or players are not. Personally I cant complain, but I have to make sure it stays that way without having my cc burn a hole in my wallet. I dont need the most valueable drops, I dont mind not getting anything at all if it is random. I do mind tho that if i join a sqd where the leader says at the very beginning at a WS badge run that he would like the emblems and the rest is free for all, and there is one guy who just picks everything up and says "lol **** u" when being asked about the drops.... and that is how it usually works with lower level groups. From your Toons in the post i can see that you are definitely not one of the people who still have to farm Jolly Jones, if you get my point. You cant take your high level instance routine for granted and as how it usually works because it really doesnt. Money doesnt matter much anymore if you have enough of it. If they really want to get rid of the free-to-play players, which is what it looks like, just give it a monthly subscription fee and be done with it. That would be the fastest and easiest way, and the least frustrating for everyone else. I play this game since the end of 2008 and Ive seen all the major changes... This one tho is by far the one that makes the game lovable for a minor part, and pretty awful for the whole big unworthy rest.

    Your point about the drops being wide spread at the event bosses...fair enough. But again, the **** drops are wide spread. When it comes to what everyone is after, the envelopes at the very end. They drop at once, and again, only the rich will get it all.

    Again, I didnt say to completely disable it, only in parts where it would be a huge and unfair advantage over other players. I was more asking for a better system to actually have the sqd leader choose to make it possible to pick everything up or keep it on random. And tbh, the one who came up with the idea how to "switch" random to free (like the actual steps you have to do to switch it to free instead of just invitig someone like you do on random) didnt have the smartest idea here either.

    And tbh, I dont think it would be THAT difficult to have someone think the problem over and maybe find a solution. People are paying for the game to have their opinions heard and thought over. Doesnt mean that those ideas become reality, of course not.