Thx for your quick answers.
Best not to dump on Americans, u all want to come here!
I was in Salvation guild from the start, did u know of us?
We can talk about that later, wink, wink. Have u played this game yet?
Ok. I'll go there but if our outfits or hair matches, I'll just scream!
I will marry you, but u must clean. I'll cook. I won't be able to heal or res. I'll be an archer, can"t heal until later. But I will bandage your wounds Rofl!
I will be happy to meet u ingame and prove myself, espionis.
LOL! I see you guys might be the same! Does it bother u that a female may play better than u?
Im new also, so no help to you, but Ill look for you in game. Maybe we can help each other. I have played Last Chaos for over a year. Hope to see you ingame