skylites1006 Arc User


  • Good guide. Lots of things to learn and mull over (even though I myself have played wizard for a few). One thing to commend you at, is how non-condescending your guide is. While it gives a lot of good information, there's a sense of "space" for other players to think about and learn without getting so uppity about it.…
  • I fully agree to this. However, since the best neck and belt (cube) are ones of the most expensive piece of gear out there, I suggest using substitutes while you don't have one yet. 1. Necklace of Giant Strength. Totally farm-able piece of TT equipment. 2. For the belt, the OHT one is good. Except of course for the fact…
  • I have TW in 13 hours T_T Hope server gets fixed b:cry