skn0w Arc User


  • Three thousand, four hundred and forty-two. Edit: To be fair, I posted this at one in the morning. Three thousand, TWO HUNDRED and forty-two. <3
  • I guess (since I have nothing else to do) that I'll add a list of my own o.o; 1. Herc/Nix 2. Level 105 >.< 3. Gear worthy of a level 105 :O 4. Fashion for each character~ 5. While I'm dreaming, could I have a hubby and time to do MQ, too?
    in Wishlist Comment by skn0w February 2011
  • -sigh- well that's rather depressing =/ ah well
  • >_< I hope it’s not too late for me to join in… Unlike most of y’all, this is my first time doing anything forum-RP-related, so please be gentle with meh ;3 Please excuse any noobishness and/or annoying lack of knowledge about RP. I am a relatively fast learner, so…. Well… yeah. LET’S GET THIS PARTAY STARTED…
  • >_< I hope it