sinave Arc User


  • Somehow seems like someone help or just plain luck that patch 639 had the above problem solved ... YEAH !!!!b:chuckle
  • Okay now here's sumthing new ...... opened blessings from mail it went into Bag but doesn't switch itself and can't be used when clicked . System Msg says " Current Item Can't be Used " b:angry I thought maybe 1 is a glitch so waited few days and now tried the rest and still doesn't work ! b:shocked Now i've got 3 stuck in…
  • Plus i'm getting 0 DQ points for this acct even thou i had sold some DQ items before ... b:shocked
  • Wow 57 pages already ... anyway my first time having Jones Blessing problems. My main is getting the blessing but my alt acct is not, which is this acct which i'm typing with. Please help rectify the problem with the drop down menu for choosing characters which is stucked ...... thanks in advance.b:surrender
  • My first posting to this forum ,,, i always preview before i send anything in other forum ! Little did i know it auto post here when i click preview and doesnt allowed delete ,,, puzzles me ! Anyway on the opening of second client it only works on diofferent acct , if 2 toons of the same acct it dont work !
  • Of course i'll move on ,,, those stuffs i can collect anytime ! Thought i post here so people knows who are those dishonest ones but it seems such behavior is alright to all , well than happy looting guys !!! Well than don't complain next time yr loot gets looted off yr face ,,,, case closed !b:shutup
  • I'm not spamming , the preview button here do the posting ,,, dont blame me and once posted cant delete .
  • If there's a safer mean of transfer i would ,,,, whatever keep condoning those scammers and looters ! Even if i had screenshot doesnt help and it's my fault fine ,,,, i'll become a scammer and looter too since forum or PWI likes to protect players like such . I didnt even want to post 3 thread but the preview just do the…
  • I'm already in a deserted place ,,,, you think i'll do it in populated area ! One pc can't logged with 2 account as i've tried ,,,, the client only except one account unless u got 2 OS system installed which i havent tried .