shineni#2821 Arc User



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  • Unfortanely those things are supposed to be rotating seasonally everytime the coupons goes on sale, there are 4 types of fragments with different rewards towards g17 weapon/g17r3 armos/g17 ring/g17 arena stuff, but pwi only change the seasonal items when an actual update happens which is every 6-8 months if they keep the…
  • The Arena are like that in china as well, the problem is that their season works as intended, 1 season = 3 months with player own gear and another season with balanced gear, that the players can vote to make the best setup for said class beforehand. But in Pwi, the arena balanced gear/your own gear will be defined by what…
  • The Whole system is a nice add to the game but giving such big titles for collecting all the fash is just the good old cash grab that forces even the people that used 2 or 3 fash to collect them all, but it forces people to revisited old content like UCH,Morai and others, which isn't so bad for the game health. On a Side…
  • Man, might as well put your toon to queue and go sleep, no one got time to wait to be able match this, i would say maybe make it full local but Ti don't even have 33 active 3v3 teams, or 99 people willing to go to this event at some point, lol.
  • The Full overview about all contents to come,, its in cyrillic but google translate works very well on it. Full Guide on the new Deities stuff, how to level, all skills and whatnot. All the Changes on NR,…
  • Seeker and Mystic are def the strongest 2v2 that you put on the list, argueable sin + veno is prob the best comp imo since ironwood can just force your genie right at start then simple cc and someone is dead, implying they don't die right away with some good coordination before he can even hit the genie, which happens…
  • TW reset time should always be around 3 month, anything further that will just allows the Powerhouse factions of every server to dominate all lands and corner every other faction or wipe them from the map. But then again, if they not gonna give any reward for TW or SvS, why bother reseting.
  • Its a Fairly straight forward process that's based in mutual trust most of the times, would recommend buying from your faction mates, with that being said i personally never heard about anyone getting scamed buying from sellers from world chat but the chance is there. if you're buying a large amount of Gold, e.g 100+, you…
  • 100 Str in comparison to the amount of atk lvl, spirit,def lvls is nothing, and if you can afford a g17r3 set, i'm sure you can afford to reroll it and get decents amount of p.atack on all pieces. In the end you'll lose about 4k p.atack but with more than 40 atk lvl/def lvl, 500+ spirit in exchange, Seems pretty good to…
  • This event is 1 of the best designed events in terms of PvP and PvE at same time, but for our delightment, it will not work for pwi, as it was basically made minding their own server that has a massive amount of player base difference compared to us, not to mention that NR was supposed to allow all servers in the game to…
  • It is indeed the same kind of freeze icon as the sb skills has, however it doens't work if the target has anti-stun.
  • This Doll problem has already been fixed on other versions of the game, in fact this very same problem just happened to pwru server and they decided to revert arena to your own gear because "class imbalances" and they fixed the doll after 1 week, because actual gms listening to players feedback and videos, but for us it…
  • Every single game you play will always have toxic people, however its up to you to let them affect you speacially in pwi where you can do a couple of things that will make their act pointless. If anyone bothers you, you can simple blacklist them and that's that, If you finding a hard time doing Pious sky mobs because of…
  • its pretty clear that some classes have the upperhand on this new balanced 3v3 even tho its supposed to be balanced, if someone isn't paying full attention they gonna die right away with edgerunner halo and iw, or iw and multi hit skill from tech, depending on your ping you need to predict who's the veno gonna iw before…
  • The new arena feels great,i could test most of my toons, unfortunately its not 100% balanced but this game never will be sadly, its kinda sad that you need to level passives and glyphs, i guess as well leveling that alt to 105 to use a paramount but that's not really necessary in some classes. the queue should be pretty…
  • The Truth is that everyone knows that there was little to no care to this game, cash shop is update constantly because it gives revenue and that's why this game is still running till this day, because of the few niche that keep cs'ing and i appreciate them for it, as i barely cs anymore, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately,…
  • This would make the arena vastly more interesting, so many players that are vastly skilled that played this game for years but simple don't care enough to gear themselves anymore and only play on private servers. With that being said, the same gear-arena gonna be somewhat dissapoint for some players as the classes won't be…
  • My only fear was that since jolly jones was a pwi excluvise quest, they could've made the huge mistake to allow Jt to give gold coins instead of silver but it seems that they couldn't bother with asking pwcn for a revamp on it, which is great. With jolly jones out of question, the amount of coin influx in game will…
  • When i saw this skill months ago on patch note i knew that i was going full vit support class bm when it reached here simple because the ranged cc on dragon rising with sword/poleblade and the overall too much chi cost now to pull red glyph combos makes bm cc + damage hard to pull in mass pk unless you hit that paramount…
  • Jesus Christ man, 5 **** months to get 1 crystal ? can't see anything wrong with that lol. i heard about this new key system, those rewards at the left are 100% rewards based on how many keys you open? that's not half bad implying its a reasonable amount of keys, not something like 2 or 3k keys, do you know how many keys…
  • G17 weapons are pretty much only pvp, aside from Gof casters which would be hugely benefetial in pve as well, with that being said, yes, pwcn would need to make changes in our version to make stuff easier to obtain, when i say easier i mean reduce the amount of mats to craft the gear in our version, for example, the g17r3…
  • My concern right now about this new coin system is just 1 thing, as it was stated on a previous thread, the only way to obtain the gold coin would be mbh or perfect iron hammer from boutique, and this is where the problem lies, because lets be real, the difference of gold coin price on other servers in comparison to pwi is…
  • Implying a gm would read this thread, most likely only the moderator and users, there's nothing in the tos that prevent this game from happening since it was, second your rules, consented by both players. But jokes around, this game is like minor gambling compared to open packs lol.
  • Yeah, you need to be in white name to atack other players in xtw/SvS/Dragon Conquest, but this a glitch that only happens on servers that allows blue name, pwcn far as i know doesn't have blue name at all on any of its servers, thus this problem with blue name was never adressed, meaning it will never get fixed for us…
  • You can still enter blue name just like dragon conquest, the quest itself doesn't require you to kill anyone, just to scout the bear to the other side of the map.
  • Was released not long ago a video about this recent update on pwcn (, only in portuguese), this new frozen map second the dude in the video, will be a cross server map which you can't trade items for obvious reasons but, pretty much a 24/7 xnw to pk till all charms from…
  • This been happening for quite a few days at least, i thought maintenance would solve this issue but i guess i was wrong, either way its clearly that their attention is focused on the mobile version of this game atm, seems like the support will drop gradually untill it becomes inexistent( if it isn't already).
  • Well, as we all know there's always the big whales that cashed all the way up to the max gear possible, i'm fine with that since it made the game survive as long as it did. A big slap in the face to those who spend years gearing and actually pk'ing with farmed gear, years of work will be worthless. Now, as blazerboy…
  • There's an old myth on my server, that when you create your toon a random number is generated on it, 1 to 10 and this number multiple with the pack chance for better odds on rare items, as bullsht as it sounds, i'm 70% inclined to believe because i always opened packs on my main on the long of 5 years playing and good god,…
  • well that video is just sad lol, why would you even use pot vs a vit veno (unless iw) when you can just use paramount skill and negate the chi combo, unless the veno use Ulti + chi burn + chi sipphon, only chi of chant from paramount is enough. This 1st match after the sin got purged he spent 4 min chasing the veno without…


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