

  • That's not a glitch luckily, it's in your system settings under UI, just tick "customisations" an it will all be back to normal. (sorry for my spelling)
  • This isn't really a forum or registration issue, but someone might know what's up... Me and my friend go out and catch a pet like a heartless wolf, and when she hatches it it looks blocky and fugly; we sat and messed with the detail for at least an hour. He Bitter Wolf doesn't look like something that fell out of a…
  • My suggestion is that we can get level 10 horses or something. Not great, but from a quest or the boutique/cash shop; running around on foot all the time as a puny human with not even an illusion of companionship is really burning me out fast. I'd buy one from the cash shop thingy too if they were my level, especially if…
  • Nice to know there is a sort of leveling system. But having to be level 40 aka 758-gazillion to me (because I don't like to character grind all day... for WEEKS) is a huge downer. I couldn't be more tired of glorified speed boosts. .____.;
  • The only reason I would pay that $30 to get married on this game is if I'm guarenteed those triumph coins. XD and if that much money is really very valuable; because, if buying a pair of good boots is a third of that. to heck with paying that much.