selli Arc User


  • That stinks. -.- Thanks for your help anyway. =)
  • No replies? Really? O.o That's suprising, I thought someone knew...
  • The wandering idea would be cool. Only in cities though, I wouldn't want my Shorttooth Kitten running around while I collect herbs or something. And I guess when you got to the enterance of the city your character would whistle and they would come running back to aid you on your next adventure. Having leashes would look…
  • Sorry. ^.^''' On most game forums I've been on this has always been something that goes in the General thread.
  • No problem. ^.^
  • Ah, thank you both. That would have taken me ages to figure out. XD To change the about me thing, Wacky, click on your name and view your profile and beside 'Location', 'Bio', ect. there's a little yellow thing (I think it's chalk or a pencil) and when you click on it, it allows you to change your information to whatever…
  • 1.) Make it so different pets can actually carry items Lol, I would love seeing a pet with a little bag on it's back. XD Since you have to feed them and all they should be able to do some of the work, I agree. Feeding them like every five minutes is irrataing. 2.) In the like Cash Shop make it so there is special items…
  • I like the W,A,S,D movement. It's way easier to click on spells, but my mother (who also plays the game) is left handed and the W,A,S,D drives her mad. There should be a way to switch if you want. Also, the whole striding thing with the A and D I found was really stupid. You'd have to change the camra angle everytime you…
  • Bwhaha, that would be fun and insanely evil. XD I would **** myself laughing if I saw some big strong Barbairan being dragged away by a Venomancer like that.
  • It's been said a million times let the carry/marriage/kiss whatever be multi sex oriented. Yes, yes, yes. I have a guy friend who refuses to play guy characters and I like to play characters that are the same gender as I am in real life, so flirting with his character in this game would not work out to well. >.> 1. I think…
  • *Bows down* I totally agree. You should be able to do that with normal armor and weapons as well. I like to see how weapons look before I buy them, and some of them I do not like at all and when I sell it back for less then half it's original price I feel like an idiot. X3
  • I like that idea, there are so many white tigers and foxes running around it's not even funny. I think seeing a fuzzy panda or a fierce wolf once in a while might be cute.
  • 1. I think auto-run has been mentioned millions of times and I bet a lot of people are dying for the funtion to be added. Holding down 'w' is boring, I must agree. 2. A really good idea, sometimes when I try to teleport to the City of Lost I end up somewhere like the Broken Bridge Village and it drives me mental. 3. The…
  • I was wondering why the bunnies and deers looked so unusual to me. XD Yeah, they should have tales, that's the main reason why people pick Venomancers is for the cute lil' tale. =3