seerstil Arc User


  • Oh great that given me something to look forward to b:cry
  • I have worked for 25 years, how long you worked, and play these games as a pass time in between doing all the normal stuff that real life throws at me.
  • I wonder if i will feel the same way about quests when i get to lvl90 like youb:laugh
  • just lag lag and more lag for me, but events like this on any free game are just the same, to many players on to few servers, shame really i was looking forward to this.
  • had to google forum pages cos non of the buttons work on website. why fix what isn't broken
  • the entire site and forum now sucks, so this is wot all the cs gold pays for
  • Thx at last. As a first time forum user i'm obviously not the best at wording things. I would have have no objection to saying i had bought gold if it had been asked rather than stated by a person of "trust". My gold buying was foolish and if i care to admit it frenzied at first, but i soon noticed that to achieve anything…
  • I'm guessing privacy of any account is not something you consider. I am also guessing that you believe that every purchase is made with the card holders knowledge.
  • Gold prices in game don't always reflect the value of the item that is to be purchased from the cash shop, because at the end of the day everyone is after a profit. So this means its still harder and longer for the person without cash shop access to progress in game. So it is "just like life", those with cash prosper and…