secretmo Arc User


  • How regular does this have to be then? I know my connection is fine, but got DC this afternoon for the first time and this evening i wasn't able to play at all. My alt on the laptop did stay online this afternoon but has the same problems this evening. I know of all my Dutch friends that they have the same problem at the…
  • Means we can only do one full run this weekend. Or can you log off, log another and log back onto the main who is in NW still and keep on playing? Just log off for about 10 minutes until the mail has been sent? I hope you have a solution for the ppl who go NW and don't know about the time of the pills yet? b:surrender My…
  • If i get this right then the players on the Morai server are screwed. The 12 noon at our server is 21:00 hours and right in the middle of Nation wars. Or they go in Nation Wars and log off before the end or they are online on the wrong character. Can choose not to go to NW but it's sad to see that either way we have to…