

  • BRING BACK THE CLOSED BETA THAT WAS A GREAT TIME FREE GOLD AND DECENT PPL TO CHILL WITH~! Time Machine FTW and y did we only get that sorry hell hound that looks like some one just threw paint on and called it new no uber gear for all our dedication.
  • wait our we gonna be able to buy hints from the cash shop for this go aroundb:laugh
  • achievement: getting one of them anniversary mounts regret: looking back and see how long ive been playin but i just keep coming back b:laugh
  • well no use complaining about it is there unless u can change it
  • these gold prices is either ppl just tryin to make them pockets fat or its 2009 and everyone is tryin to get over ive seen it all over ppl in real life and in game but if u dont control the supply then those who do can make it wat they want sad fact but tru
    in Gold Prices Comment by satown July 2009
  • All i know is that there is gonna be no change of any sort for a while we all know this but wat can u do but sit back relax and try and pick a favorite color red or orange so the map can be more pleasing to the eye