russki91 Arc User


  • For Psy, start with a modification of the soulforce, like many suggested. And maybe a tweak on the buff strength. For sin, stop them ruining the game by removing bloodpaint thus preventing them from solo'ing anything. They'll be a DD again and need skill to survive. Although I only read up to page 13, I'm sure someone may…
  • Ahh, PvE is for nabs? So that's why I suck so bad...Damn you TT70HA+4/4sock-flawless hp and calamity axes... I so can't 2 hit a 85+ veno lololol Seriously, who cares anymore? It's all about preference, if I pk someone, they've made the choice to accept the consequences of being a white name, so they can't moan or QQ when…
  • I think i awoke teh dragon with my nab post... :D Noone seems to know the answer yet, guess i better wait :/ Mehhh... hopefully, i might have it answered with this DAMN sever maintenence down time eating up my day -.-
  • I started fresh, levelled up, learnt EVERYTHING about the game i needed to at the level i should need to know it. I've had numorous alts, but my highest is 48 after spending time levelling the damn toons ( stupid idea... but i wanted a sin so nuh :P ). My advice... Level! Once you reach the levels, you will learn what you…
  • Is everyone forgetting what sins are used for? Sins are quick, mid-high damage, but low defence... Duh > DD I need someone to help me to choose and there are people arguing about TW vs PK? Or PVP(PK) vs PVE... ****, Sage or Demon? FOR a DD sin... Can someone answer my question without comparing? How can I support a tank…