Beginner FAQ - Please read before posting!



  • RiiC - Raging Tide
    RiiC - Raging Tide Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I have bin invited to a new Faction and set as a Marshal but I'm not sure of what a Marshal is suppose to do?

    And second question, where are screenshots after you take them cause I've looked through my computer files and don't see them anywhere?
    The screen shots are held in your computermemory like cut and paste text. Just open PAINT and go to Edit/Paste then save with the file name that you want.
  • devilanse89
    devilanse89 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    thank you for this information I'm downloading the game right now and this give's me something good to read I hope this game is fun
  • briannth
    briannth Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I hear people talking about cards.. what are they?
  • whosthedaddy
    whosthedaddy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    hi im new at this game but cant find how to get started ive downloaded perfect worldbut cant get on the actual game
  • spikefool
    spikefool Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    where is he and what does he do also he doesnt show up on my game what can i do?
  • juliastes
    juliastes Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    my 1st charecter got literally stuck in a pond,im not sad since i was just running around...
    i decided to delete my charcter and made a new one right avay(now im making quests and im gaining new levels) but now we get to my real question, if i delete my charecter, which name was juliastes,can i use it again?
    xxx is used -> xxx is deleted after 6 days -> xxx can be used? or yyy can chance name to xxx?
  • szoundscape
    szoundscape Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Pretty good guide, but I'm still a bit lost on how I imbue stuff, what I need to imbue and where I can get it. and to get the glows; where do I get the soulgems to get items to glow? (other than buying/trading from other players).

    Also is there a limit to how many Mirage celetones you can get through questing? are there any mobs that drop these or the fragments and the other stuff you need to make the mirage celetones?
  • arella
    arella Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    How do I disable the safety lock...I need to sell a bunch of stuff
  • rado84
    rado84 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    How can I quit the game? There's no option to exit the game or select character! Killing the game's process is lame and stupid!
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    rado84 wrote: »
    How can I quit the game? There's no option to exit the game or select character! Killing the game's process is lame and stupid!

    Select the System icon in the extreme lower right corner. This opens up another row of icons, one of which is Exit Game and another is Exit to Main Menu (where you can select another character.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • rado84
    rado84 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    There's no such a thing. I already looked for it there. And here's another question - what do you do when the character gets stuck in every f*cking corner? I'm leaving the game for 3rd time in one hour because that idiotic character gets stuck everywhere and when it gets stuck there's no way to cancel the auto-route.
  • Memorieh - Lost City
    Memorieh - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This has helped me .. A lot.
  • russki91
    russki91 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I started fresh, levelled up, learnt EVERYTHING about the game i needed to at the level i should need to know it. I've had numorous alts, but my highest is 48 after spending time levelling the damn toons ( stupid idea... but i wanted a sin so nuh :P ). My advice... Level!

    Once you reach the levels, you will learn what you need to know, or when you join a faction, you will learn about it from just listening. I didnt know what TT or FC or FB or tabs, etc. was but i learnt about it just from reading (great skill ik ik :) ). I'm not saying dont read this stuff as i'm wayyyy into the pages but!, big BUT! *enters beyonce knowles* o_O jk lol, aaanyways :D Pretty much everything in this FAQ is what you learn very quickly as you level. They're only frequently asked because people cba with levelling and want to know EVERYTHING before they hit the point they need to know.... Again, IMO... Level up! b:victory
  • Lotusbunny - Archosaur
    Lotusbunny - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    "Also - regarding inventory/pet expansion errands - is there a way to cancel the quest to pick up the non-boutique shop version of the quest? On my venomancer I just clicked the cage option before learning about any of it - but I'd rather just farm the hay instead and can't seem to find a way to cancel the quest.[/QUOTE]"

    Can anyone reply to this question? I picked the non boutique version of the pet shop extension and its taking forever to farm that hay! lol

    Also, I bought the safe and inventory expansion stone from the boutique, and it says to go to any banker to get these expanded, but there are no prompts from the banker? Instead I am picking up the quest for a million bucks...Please help! thanks
  • sangodoc
    sangodoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Can anyone reply to this question? I picked the non boutique version of the pet shop extension and its taking forever to farm that hay! lol
    You can go into your Quests window, select the quest, and then click the Trash button to trash that quest. Once you do that you can go back and take the other quest if you'd like.
    Also, I bought the safe and inventory expansion stone from the boutique, and it says to go to any banker to get these expanded, but there are no prompts from the banker? Instead I am picking up the quest for a million bucks...Please help! thanks
    It depends on which stones you got. For the stones that just expand you 8 slots you go to the banker and look in the Quests (try Banker Cheng at 431 876), but for the "super" stones you need to go to an Inventory Master NPC (follow that link for coordinates to them) and look in the Quests there.
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • sirpukealot3333
    sirpukealot3333 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    how do u repair items
  • sangodoc
    sangodoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    how do u repair items
    Going to most (but not all) NPCs with a "Goods" option will bring up buttons with "Repair" (for repairing individual items) and "Repair All" (for repairing all equipped gear) that you can use.

    For more see Repairing Gear in the PWI wiki.
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • Eylon - Dreamweaver
    Eylon - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I have a small question ^^
    How do riding mounts gain exp?
  • kaletea
    kaletea Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I've been searching the forums and am unable to find an answer for my problem. Yes, I'm new so bare with me here. :)
    My character died and was brought back at the nearest city. However, when I went back out to work on my quest, I get a note that says I can't attack because I'm dead. I have full life on my life bar. I am confused. Please help!
  • feararmanaso
    feararmanaso Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hello I am a noobie I just started I logged into my account I selected the character I want to creat when I click confirm nothing happens !!
  • kadansky
    kadansky Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hi, I'm new to the game and was playing and all of a sudden I couldn't attack anymore! My weapon turned red in my inventory and any other weapons I buy are red also. I don't know what to do! Help?
  • ralph111
    ralph111 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What's the difference between PvP and PvE servers?
    -On PvP servers, you're forced into a permanent PK state at lvl 30, meaning you can attack anyone of that lvl and higher, but also be attacked by those people.
    On PvE servers, you can choose to turn this PK mode on. If you choose to do so, you must stay in it for at least 10 hours, and you can only attack other players in PK mode, and only be attacked by those players.

    can you add servers ( how )?
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I am tired of smowman and orange system messages about someone won a token.
    but if I click to turn them off I lose other chat messages too.
    can someone tell me the settings so I can see only
    combat damage
    exp & spirit earned
    trade and most of all, I lost the ability to shift click items to link them in convo.

    I bought the vendor license and still don't have the ability to offer items to shops.
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    kadansky wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new to the game and was playing and all of a sudden I couldn't attack anymore! My weapon turned red in my inventory and any other weapons I buy are red also. I don't know what to do! Help?

    I am not sure if it is too late, but I believe you need to repair the weapon at a NPC vendor.
    fix shattered gear or replace it.
    whenever you go to empty bags its always good idea to check and see what your durability looks like. i.e.. 27/75 is not good. you want to keep it near 100/100 or what ever the corresponding # is.
    I have never had weapons break so i could be wrong.
    always pick up coins and trash gear like shot or arrows, they usually are enough to repair all.
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    rado84 wrote: »
    There's no such a thing. I already looked for it there. And here's another question - what do you do when the character gets stuck in every f*cking corner? I'm leaving the game for 3rd time in one hour because that idiotic character gets stuck everywhere and when it gets stuck there's no way to cancel the auto-route.

    I have glitching problems alot too.
    If i drop out of flight at a waypoint for NPC I end up on their head and stuck.
    but if I click on fly and move one foot or yard it gets me out of glitch.
    when I run and jump i glitch so I mostly fly, especially to follow someone.
    but I am an elf.
    google gamebooster and download it. it shuts off everything your system doesn't need while playing, also defaulting to the minimum in game settings doesn't help cause these servers are to over populated and the PWI dev's don't want to spend a little profit to open more servers.

    WoW almost never has this problem and they have 11 million peeps playing.

    restricting where players can have shops would help alot, turning off players names helps a little in town, but when I am fighting a werewolf hunter and my spell is interrupted four times and I can't heal myself let a lone attack a monster that is ten lvls lower than me, then it is a server issue.

    so you have to stop moving, wait a millisec then start moving again, sometimes thats still glitching, so open your bag or pet, or fly, to reset your movement.

    as far as system buttons, look in the menu bar down on the bottom right of display, then click on the gears (sprockets) click on the associated green buttons, one is a << for return to creation screen and the other to the right of that exit to desktop.
    if you can't exit then it is not server side it is your system that needs maintenance.
    control+alt+del will get u back to desk top. or dos whatever system you have:>
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    where can I create a signature for my forums messages?
    so I can say something truthful like
    "I may not sound like a GM but at least I am here trying to helpb:shocked"
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    russki91 wrote: »
    I started fresh, levelled up, learnt EVERYTHING about the game i needed to at the level i should need to know it. I've had numorous alts, but my highest is 48 after spending time levelling the damn toons ( stupid idea... but i wanted a sin so nuh :P ). My advice... Level!

    Once you reach the levels, you will learn what you need to know, or when you join a faction, you will learn about it from just listening. I didnt know what TT or FC or FB or tabs, etc. was but i learnt about it just from reading (great skill ik ik :) ). I'm not saying dont read this stuff as i'm wayyyy into the pages but!, big BUT! *enters beyonce knowles* o_O jk lol, aaanyways :D Pretty much everything in this FAQ is what you learn very quickly as you level. They're only frequently asked because people cba with levelling and want to know EVERYTHING before they hit the point they need to know.... Again, IMO... Level up! b:victory

    is great to see people like you who have been here to be considered old school and yet all you have is 3 posts, as if you really want to help!!
    you're probably one of those toons that invites people to your faction but never ask
    "hey you need help" "hey you want to quest together" "hey here's some advice"
    no you just invite them cause they look good in your faction.
    or made you eligible for territory wars.
    yeah you know if you really wanted to help you'd have at least 300 posts
    you... you... you... alt hound!
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    kaletea wrote: »
    I've been searching the forums and am unable to find an answer for my problem. Yes, I'm new so bare with me here. :)
    My character died and was brought back at the nearest city. However, when I went back out to work on my quest, I get a note that says I can't attack because I'm dead. I have full life on my life bar. I am confused. Please help!

    you may have been kicked or disconnected, sign back in but make sure you check the box that says force log.
    this resets your last login so you are officially out of the RAM in the server.
    and your reconnecting fresh.
  • ubnext
    ubnext Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    arella wrote: »
    How do I disable the safety lock...I need to sell a bunch of stuff

    I clicked on it & hit done and may have locked out shift click linking, but I saw your post went back in and click the lock next to my toon name at top of screen.
    when the window opened I made sure nothing was mark then hit cancel.
    now I can link items from my bag again.
  • mystiquenova
    mystiquenova Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Can we rotate the map around?