GM's will never ban EA's on this glitch. You know why??? Cuz a zhenning EA will make PWI money. It's all about the Benjamins baby.
Ouch. I hope other ppl don't follow your built. First of all if you want to be able to wear light armour and the latest weapon, your HP will suffer. In PVP you will be an easy target for melee as well for magic classes. People restat to light armour at higher levels IF they have the money to refine all their EQ to min. +5.…
Errrhhh this is a "free" to play game. If all depeneds in skill instead of gear/level how would they make money? And don't worry about balance. The legendary pets are coming, rich WF's willl pawn your **** anyway. WF's with the Phoenix willl rule PVP. WF's with Hercules will be able to solo HH-team mode.
3* items give blue glow HH weapons give green glow Gold weapons give yellow glow Weapons that contains 2 G7 stones gets a sizzling effect.
Not to sound like an as.s or something. But what you want to prove here? You one shotted an archer? Isn't a tossup between archer and mage? Whoever deals first punch, wins? I'm curious why you posted that ss and said so easy on the ss....
Well what's wrong with asking what level the heal spells are of a cleric? And if you working with strangers, get an extra cleric. Make sure they got regen potions or a charm. Before entering make sure everybody know it's role..
It is BS. A Barbarian don't need charm to tank bosses...... Get decent healers in your party.
This game can be perfectly played without spending $$ If you do a FB and nobody wants to use charms, get a WB and 2 EP's. EP can use the regen potion that can be made with pharmacy.. Or get 3 WF's and let one pet attack and 3 WF's heal. If you want to level fast you need to spent $. If you want to use little $, you level…
White names have a slight chance to drop an inventory item. Purple names have a slightly bigger chance to drop an inventory item. Pink and red names can drop equipped items and inventory items. Fashion and mounts don't drop. Aviations do.... Gold shouldn't drop, but I heard that someone dropped 2M when being PKed. So not…
Can somebody confirm if PWI is the first one who lowered Item mall prices?? I don't recall this happened in PW Malaysia. So are the item mall prices in PWI going to be the same as the stockmarket????
Barbarians are the fastest class... Dunno what you talking about. A tiger is faster than a human. Veno levels the fastest of all classes..... The advantage of a Brabarian comes in the higher levels. Barbarians are needed to tank. A Blademaster is a sorry tank. Only a brabarian can tank efficiently, 'cause it cna hold on to…
Put 2 G7 stones in ur weapon creates a nice effect also.
I assume your next petition would be to lower the cooldown time of the pots? When you reach lvl40 you want to start a petition to lower the exp required to level. When you reach 60 you want to start a petition that a regen potion should last for 1 hour, only 5 herbs required ofcourse.....
Internation means USA and Canada........ They don't care about Europeans or other nations.
In PW-MY the flying mount cost about 99 Cubi-gold. Translated to PWI it will probably cost close to 70-100 US dollars.....
When you grind to gain XP I suggest kill air or sea mobs. They give more exp per kill.
Am I reading this right???? Ppl on a PVE server act tough??? So sad......... if u indeed so tough go to PVP server lah. No problem if you join PVE server, but please don't act like you hardball.
This is because Clerics can deal magical as well physical damage. If the wizard wears a robe a Cleric will use physical attacks, if a wizard wears light armour the cleric will use magical attack. A Wizard can deal only magical damage.
Are you sure about this? A Cleric has one powerful spell -> Wield Thunder while a Wizardhas more than one.
A priest that is built for PVP is deadly. A priest had wonderful debuffs. Has a sleep spell and can heal itself.
Mmmhh not exactly true. A melee class has stun skills. This will prohibit a caster from running. And don't forget a MG, Cleric and WF has less con than a WR or WB. One con gives more HP for melee classes than it gives to MG, Cleric and WF.
Zhenning cost money... A DD and healer burns Hiero's (Charms) like crazy. Without it it is almost impossible to Zhen.. Fast but expensive levelling , it seperates the poor from the rich.
You're asking this question in PWI, ofcourse ppl will tell you PWI is the plcae to join. I try to answer your question first before I give you my opinion. 1) USA have better ISP's than Malaysia, but the line from Singapore to Malaysia is shorter than the line from Singapore to the States. Not sure on the answer on this…
Looking at the SS. Did you get a WR buff or are those 2 buffs of yourself? I didn't knew a mage could increase his/her ph defence beside the earth shield.
I prefer landmount. It is faster on mount than on flytool. When on mount you can see the herbs, you can fly real low but then the advantage of flying is gone (no aggro). The mountains sucks, but after a while you know the map well enough to decide when to fly and when to use mount. As much I love mounts I recommend to get…
I think PWE will have the same item mall stuff as Cubinet. PWE decides not to publish all of them simutaneously. I remembered Cubinet had the new Item mall stuff a long time also but they weren't allowed to publish from Beijing. I guess PWE have to follow the same strategy -> slowly open up all the item mall stuff.
Ofcourse ppl who spent rl money will be in advantage? What do you expect? The company needs to make money. Ppl who spent money can buy Hiero's so they don't have to sit or use potions thus they cna kill faster. Ppl with money can buy Exp. scrollss which makes you gain more exp. When you hit 60 ppl with real money can…
He is not hardcore PVPing, sometimes she attacks ppl who attack guildmates. When a mage is low level a light armour might be profitable, but when you're higher level a robe is recommended. A Mage is all about firepower. Just wanted to tell OP not to expect to dominate with his mage until endgame. Before that a mage is 1 on…
Even at 6x and 7x a mage isn't all that. Their casting speed takes longest of all magical classes, they have the most damage though. But 1 on 1 a mage loses to other magical classes cuz an EP has physical attack and a WF has a pet that can do physical damage. In later levels though a mage can 1 shot ppl. But I'm not sure…
I like your guild name.