Whats a G6?
I believe that I'll go with Sapphire Shards but what lvl? I have already lvl 4, which is magic attach +12, magic defense + 16. Should I go higher?
Why do I get such criticism from you guys. I do have a life outside this game. Oh, I also work for a living. I been solo this game since lvl 65, and just recently I joined a good Faction. Is there anybody out there with out the attitude that can help me?????????????????????????
Why be a smart ****...thank you guys for you help
The weapson needs to be a two star. I did some research I belive I need to refine weapon but I'm confuse. I believe you can refine transfer or refine from Elder. Which one do I do?
Hi Guys, I have this quest and I'm having trouble. I made the Sawtooth Blades but it not showing up as Counted 1 done in that quest list. I notice the quest mention about two star. Do I have to go to different blacksmith for two star????
thanks guys !!
I not sure what your trying to tell me????
and the purpose for having it identified???
I still learning the game..what is the purpose of identify item???????
thanks for info
I have not finished first step becuase I don't know whats a monsterdrop