rocsux Arc User


  • THIS is not me. Just another great hater or any RoC no matter where they move to. I do not give a rats a$$ about trying to define anything that some "public relations" a$$hat trys to type out to exlain his/her new crew of ret@rDs. RoC, Enrage, no matter; (if enrage is made up of RoC it = A$$hats until proven otherwise) the…
  • tisk tisk- honestly, you think I would co-lead them? and 13? for real?? lol, here mate, since the mean anterolateral thickness is 7.36 plus or minus 1.57 mm (this means the thickness of the sides of your skull just in case you were staring at the screen with the deer in the headlights look), and yours seems to be just a…
  • pros? distance, crit, oh and the fact that RoC is no longer around in HT... thats a big pro. Cons? Well, everything else. No real defense without spending tons of bank, and constantly having to by pots-- hum, low vit (which is the same as defense in a way-- that pretty much somes it up.
  • Mystic#)$%) yeah, you... arent you the wizard hater? Must commend you on your complete humiliation of each wiz on this forum. Saw you go in and challenge them in their own threads. I hate wizards. Clerics are best because only the most intelligent people realize that in the end, clerics can not only heal, but cause the…
  • Imm- hahahaha, just as I said to Xero- I have screenshots or you on your back as well.... Better watch your lip twit- or the next TW your in, i'll be hovering over you with a smile- (oh wait, those days are over now huh? Cant hide behind a name anymore huh?) awwww poor thing- Go read the RoC we will miss you thread- You…
  • I dont need your help lady- I have battled these egofkrs many times in TW and me "hiding" behind a good name such as (RoCSux, what a great name) this has nothing to do with my "game ability" as so well put by the RoChead up there.... so you can b:shutup To the haters: enrage will never amount to shizz and within weeks you…
  • *dances around singing ::No More RoC!! yippie!!! la la la!!! They were ego-freaks anyway!! la la la* Cant wait to see how the map turns out now
  • nice poem- glad for the new era- RoC were a bunch of egotistical yuppies anyway- so lets rejoice in the new "era" and drink some bubbly to their fall from ... wait, it wasnt grace.... hum, when ur that low, I guess u cant fall, so fk em- ROC SUX!!! glad ur gone!! :)
  • HAHAHAHAHAHA- Thank god! *jumps up and down cheering* First, i would like to give props to Hong for being a total a$$hat and organizing the ever-so bitter sweet demise of RoC- Secondly, I would like to invite all other mentally damaged RoC members to follow his lead and get the H311 off HT since NONE, oh yeah.... i mean…
  • HAHAHAHAHAHA- Thank god! *jumps up and down cheering* First, i would like to give props to Hong for being a total a$$hat and organizing the ever-so bitter sweet demise of RoC- Secondly, I would like to invite all other mentally damaged RoC members to follow his lead and get the H311 off HT since NONE, oh yeah.... i mean…