At least tell us this, is it worth doing anything and wasting time so the server rolls back yet again for the 3rd time or we are good to actually play this time without getting rear ended again since there are still some players who can't log into the game.
This truly is the biggest joke of 2023, not only people spent hours on dailies and farmed for hours when it was stated servers were officially back but also on a weekend but it gets funnier when the server got rolled back like 3 days. I hate to say it but unless the compensation is literally close to giving out g17 gear i…
Just out of curiosity I've heard the XTW are held in EU server so how will it work if DA itself hasn't been fixed in 2 whole full days?
I wonder if it would take them this long if the 'issue' was on TW, TT, TI. Would the effort be the same or more, if all 4 sever was QQing would it really make it a difference. Honestly it just feels like DA is only one getting rear ended. But imagine if half a DA people chargeback right now, what type of impact would that…
Some people entered NR and the "could not retrieve character list" is back.
What do you even mean? No one from DA can log in still.
Hello Jarkhen XD and i'm not even from ET to know this haha
patch notes?
Damn man thought you didn't make any xtw vs Infa glad to know you were there. =)
1.Not just week think the lag started when the merged happened. 2.Dawnglory 3.Everywhere else is pretty much fine i'd start but saying west but with the 10 million cat shops i won't get to that but the tw instance it self is the lag fest i have to put every single thing to zero to the point idk what skills are casted and…
1.Not just week think the lag started when the merged happened. 2.Dawnglory 3.Everywhere else is pretty much fine i'd start but saying west but with the 10 million cat shops i won't get to that but the tw instance it self is the lag fest i have to put every single thing to zero to the point idk what skills are casted and…
honestly after all this time how could you not even guess if its going to happen or not.
Congrats, hope to see oh wait map reset b:shutup Thought you and Dan can do some sick combos on TW again b:sad
I play in HL but to me Marengo should be mentioned as well, doe I haven't really 'seen' Savor in action that much just bits here and there. But I had to mention Mar, she deserves to be in the top. b:cute
Ah smart move on the standing on the rocks part, can't believe my squad and I couldn't figure that out :< Great vid, keeep em coming and gald you're back in hoorah but watching you and bobzi together in tw was tight! Hope you make the weap soon, I want to see how it comes out before i rage on vent for people to do the maze…
I <3 you doe. b:sad
Bhaiya did you like my para doe <3 b:kiss
Kanye will never stop loving kanye.
Hai Surtr. b:bye
Like i mentioned above 'not that i care' but yea one can only hope for both ASAP.
What she said, there will be one in Kirin town, exchange it there.
Well it spawns 3 times everyday, timewise i can't help you there cause of timezone and all. I can tell you this much, one of the spawn time is certain before reset 1-2 hours (ish) before. It spawns on primal world with that being said not in story mode either, height 45-50. My faction ( I mostly bother Eoria b:shutup ) and…
Same here, only could talk in GC or SC, then the lag spikes happen and then more lag spikes till you can't take it anymore. I closed everything and restarted also, even my computer for that matter and yet. I missed out in tw cause of this. b:cry
Cya later, guessing me killing you after you decided to kill me for being AFK didn't help. b:chuckle Thanks for coming back thou, should have given you props for that atleast, so yea. b:victory Have fun in RL. b:cute
SPOILERS b:angryb:cryb:angry
Was there FC back in 2009? b:puzzled b:shutup
Very Deep. b:sad
Lol sparkie, just lol. b:shutupb:cryb:surrender