Territory Wars... How was it last week?

Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
So we've been getting lots of complaints about the Territory Wars lag that everyone has been experiencing. We're in the process of modifying some things on the back end to try and optimize things.

How was the lag this past week?

What servers were you playing on?

When did you experience the most lag?

Was it intermittent or was it consistent throughout?

Reply to this thread with as much detail as you can provide. Every little bit helps.


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  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    Twilight Temple

    Normally I do not lag during TW.

    Previous weekend I had extreme lag and had to change my settings to show simple models only. Lag continued even with changing this setting.

    This weekend I experienced no lag, and was able to play with full graphics as normal.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I had no problems with lag but fps is loooow in tw. 0 effects minimum distances and quality, only view yourself. Its the only way to play.

    Half effects, half distances and simple models gets me 1-2 fps.

    80v80 2pm tt server tw

    The rest of the week i had no lag. One server error once, but a relog solved it. Full effects and quality. The game was beautiful and smooth. Mass pk after territory wars on Thursday evening, again fps was low but was able to struggle through with half settings and 15ish fps.

    Ping hovers around 96-250 for me on average.
  • Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Personally, I think a lot of people mistake low FPS for high latency.

    IMHO, you should have to post system specs and a traceroute as well.

    Only drops I ever have in TW are FPS. Ping is usually around 170 in-game.​​

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  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Twilight Temple here. o/

    My Ping is always okay. But ever since this merge, i stopped going to Territory War completely due to the extremely low Fps. Even changing the settings to the lowest possible and still no use.
    Post edited by xskysoldier on

  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    Twilight temple here.

    once or twice this season i have not had lag in the most crowded areas. i've tried simple models and lowering other settings (effects and distance for instance, as well as most of the cosmetic features) but it seems to me that the newer classes' skills, especially the persistent ones, tend to bring my client to a standstill.

    In an 80v80 tw with so many barrages and vortexes and SB storms going on, it really causes a big slowdown. in FSPJ with full timed sparks on the dragon boss i dont get that much lag but i do get some which makes me assume that the cause is so many flashy effects firing off at around the same time.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User

    Personally, I think a lot of people mistake low FPS for high latency.

    IMHO, you should have to post system specs and a traceroute as well.

    Only drops I ever have in TW are FPS. Ping is usually around 170 in-game.​​

    this is true. technically lag means high latency, but for the layman "game is getting slow" means generally lag, no matter what the actual source of it is.

    but to the topic, YES the TW was super laggy as always ( by lag i mean fps, ping was not significantly worse - since i live in the eu it is always bad anyways).nothing has changed, the longer the tw goes on, the lower the fps. and the second there are 160 people in the base.. good night framespersecon, most people (me included) are lucky to have 2 fps.
    now i still have a quite modern pc. i7cpu r9 280x gpu with 3gb and 32gb ram. sufficent to run the latest modern games with 60fps+, even twice or thrice at same time (if start them several times by mistake :D ). that doesnt only apply to single player games, even modern multiplayer games, and other mmo games. like mmoshooters that have hundreds of players at the same time playing, in tanks, aircrafts other vehicles with much much bigger maps and many more effects and much much better looking graphics than pwi.

    the issue is not with the users. it is either a horribly outdated game engine (honestly, i cannot remember if there was a time when the fps didnt drop to unplayable levels during tw's.) that completely ignores the hardware (several cpu cores or latest gfx) of the player, or the server cannot handle 160 people in tw because they are hopelessly underdesigned.
  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Dawnglory server here. I haven't lagged too badly the past couple weeks, but some of the weeks prior to that were pretty much so bad it literally takes like 10secs for the client to register me clicking to switch targets and I basically had to play pre-emptively and burn immunes earlier than I'd have liked like I'm playing my badly geared alt cleric instead of my main just because I can't trust my own timing through the lag. Mostly only happens inside the bases when there's a ton of people from both sides there. I've proceeded to shut off recording tw vids at these points in hopes of it getting better and it helps some, but not entirely.
  • Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    edited November 2015
    Twilight Temple server here. I normally have my graphics set on the higher end, and restart my computer prior to TW. Personally I don't have many issues with FPS or ping (and if I do, it's my modem acting up) during TWs, and didn't experience any last week. However, a few weeks ago, a good chunk of my faction did experience a lot of issues with lag (not sure whether this was actual ping but very certain it was FPS). I know a lot of them do have their graphics set on the lower end with simple models and such.

    Most of the time, I'm pretty sure it's because of the amount of people in one area, especially when there are a lot of skills being used. The one week when most of my faction complained about lag, both my faction and our opponent had pretty much everyone on the same path. It also does tend to get pretty laggy whenever the fight is happening inside one of the bases, since it's a smaller area and full of people setting up AoEs. I know that my FPS does suffer a little bit when there's a lot of people around.

    EDIT: I completely forgot about this until I looked over some notes from last TW, but many people including myself experienced problems with map lag. Basically it was very hard to see where my squad members were positioned on the map. At one point I think it even showed some of my squad members farther up the path than they actually were, which was odd. Normally there is a little bit of map lag but last weekend (especially at our 2PM TW) it was worse than it usually is.
    Post edited by obielle on
    Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
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  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Twilight Temple here.
    I know my laptop is not that good. I generally keep my settings on the low end. My regular ping is 350-500 and my FPS between 15-30 depending on the area.
    I needed to play with "Show simple models" on in TW, but since the merger I can't even play with that (unless it's a smaller TW).

    My faction has had big TWs even before the merger, but I could still get by with simple models. Now my FPS drops to 1 and I can't do anything at all unless I set "Only show important players" which makes playing in TW difficult as I run into the enemy groups a lot due to not being able to see them until it's too late.

    While I am aware my system really isn't that great, I can't help but notice a greater drop in FPS and increased ping (in TW and such) since the servers were merged. Many people have complained, including ones that generally run TW with high end graphics and had no issues previously.

    The insreased number of Stormbringers in TWs as of late may also contribute to this. Their skills are pretty flashy even on low settings, unlike older classes' whose skill effects drop significantly when you lower the effects settings. This applies to Seekers as well (and their counterparts, but those aren't as notice-able in terms of flashyness).
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    last time i did TW I had very Bad FPS but not much lag.

    I still get a lot in FSP. Guess its because that instance is used a lot.​​
  • Posts: 332 Arc User
    never had any problems in TW with low fsp\latency in general till 1-2 months ago

    i was able to play 80vs80 TWs on max distance and effects and stream them on twitch without any problem with the same system i have at the moment

    network latency is fine, don't even start with tracerts, bad gateways routes etch because i know what i am talking about

    it's graphic fps drop that is **** madness

    and it's unexplainable,
    it's increasing over time, you start tw with no fps drop after 20 mins its 20 FPS, after 1 hour its 5 FPS
    you finish TW change instance go on world map f.e., you still have FSP drop

    you restart client, it returns fine

    wtf is that even?

    you assign 1 full core to just use PWI and not try to multi-thread it since it's not supported, it doesnt change ****

    i evaluated to change my system to be able to play TWs
    but it's **** that to play this silly game with literaly no graphics
    an i7, 960 gtx, 16gb ram, dedicated SSD
    isn't fvcking enough​​
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  • Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Twilight Temple

    Normally setting on simple models does the trick for me. After the merger the lag was so extreme I was scared my laptop would ragequit and crash. Setting all lightning effects down usually is good enough, it's playable I mean, but not perfect. The problem with setting down too many effects is you cant see what skills people use, and sometimes you cannot avoid attacks and certain debuffs than you normally would on normal effects settings.

    PS. When is that TW reset ? >.> It were supposed to be reset already​​
    Post edited by shopcheese on
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    TT here aswell

    I very briefly had Connection Lag during the 8pm TW (tho that cudve also just been on my end)

    I had no Graphic Lag whatshowever tho, that said the TWs were a lot smaller scale than usual (no 80v80 business)
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Tideswell here

    As some states above its not the latency lag its FPS drops, throttling over time,
    i think its related to memory usage.
    on that optimization menu you can see how much memory use the game.
    from 1 000 000 to 2 000 000 memory I have no problems nor FPS drops, everything is fine,
    from 2 000 000 to 2 500 000 memory there is slight fps drop not even noticeable
    from 2 500 000 to 3 500 000 theres is atleast 50% FPS drop - its ocures always after 2h intence 60-80vs60-80 TWs
    from 3 500 000 to 3 950 000 its become unplayable like 3-5fps at most even in west archo or place with more players(but this can occure after days of not refreshing the game)
    after 3 950 000 i always get trafficlight error and game crash :).

    I am sure something is not ok, fps shouldn't drop like this and I'm glad I'm not the only one
    My CPU is i54690 OC at 4.5Ghz, there is around 10-20% more fps generally by overclock from 3.9Ghz to 4.5Ghz
    Video Card GTX 970 - there is no difference in FPS if I play with card or with processor integrated video...
    All other Games flyes..
    My solution...
    1. before enter TW mark display only your own model then restart client, that's ateast doesn't up the memory more then 1 200 000 before even TW starts in the meeting with all you factionmates.
    2. restart the client after every 1 hour in tw before you pop buffs.
    3. Use fullscreen
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    Think I'm running on the higher end of PCs here. Game is pretty much atrocious in an 80v80 scenario. Framerate is unbelievably low (sub 10 FPS with lowered graphics for TW). I know there is a lot of discussion as to why this happens with PWI. Thought I'd contribute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    Without having done that many tests of this (80v80 TWs aren't exactly on-demand things these days), I have noticed that memory usage constantly increases throughout a TW, and I normally hit 4GB (with a subsequent crash) right towards the end of a 3-hour 80v80. Whether this timeframe is related to specs or ingame performance/video options etc etc I'm not sure, but it's definitely related to the fact that so much is going on during a TW that large. Outside of 80v80s I am more than capable of leaving my client open for days at a time, in Archosaur, with no issue.

    And no, there is no network latency issue with TW that I've experienced.
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    i distinctly remember this issue in TW reaching the current heights it has when the earthgaurd were released. earthgaurd and nightshade skill effects are mighty flashy and all of them seem to cause an interminable amount of graphical choppiness.
  • Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    @thread Under what conditions and when do you notice the FPS drop the most?
  • Posts: 936 Arc User

    @thread Under what conditions and when do you notice the FPS drop the most?

    Big animations from new classes, mainly Stormbringers, seems this engine cant really handle the animation of the new classes
  • Posts: 850 Arc User

    @thread Under what conditions and when do you notice the FPS drop the most?

    For skills, Stormbringer Churning Vortex and Avatar of the Storm are the two big ones. Also certain other AOEs from Stormbringers and Psychics. In general, it's when you start exceeding 60v60 TWs and there's just a ton of people in one area, but especially the bases.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    I second (third?) the above. If you get multiple flashy aoe effects in one area (seeker vortex, sb vortex, even dragonbreath and barrage, etc) things slow down really fast.

    The worst is that having effects low doesn't help, it (low fps) really does seem to persist at low effects and quality settings right until you a) change tool option to view only important players or b) remove effects entirely. Which means youre either gonna be blind to enemy players, or youre going to be blind to their skill animations. Either way its a pretty big handicap. The only reassurance is that your enemy is probably blundering around half blind too :/

    One thing i wonder about is - time and again with tw instances i experience the fps issue. But in openworld pvp, in primal or on the main map i never have to nix my effects or anything completely. Fps drops but not so severely. And after rw there are all tier 1 and 2 and sometimes tier 3 factions all pvping in one area... Its gotta be more than the 160 player mark.
  • Posts: 332 Arc User
    @thread Under what conditions and when do you notice the FPS drop the most?

    60vs60 to 80vs80

    from 15-20mins ->

    fsp drop increases over time,
    it doesnt matter if you have 0 models or full models, you will still have FSP drop at some point

    which is not right, it's like game allocates XY bytes for said effects\textures, and those allocated memory bytes stay like that till you restart the client

    it's just not right, i don't even know which other game behaves like that, and why that even lmao it's so bad!!!

    if you are going to release cross-server TWs, but you don't fix this FPS-drop-over-time issue

    i am quite sure the most will lift off...

    3 hours 80vs80 TWs are basically "the entire game", make them unplayable and there is no game to play here​​
  • Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    You can really see the FPS drop over time issue when you load the client from a SSD or even a full RAM Disk.

    Running off a RAM Disk, I get an initial FPS over 100. After about half an hour it's down into the 40-60 range. And that's just moving around Archosaur. Enter TW with that, and it's in the 30's in no time, and this is with a setup that is optimized specifically for how PWE behaves. Without that specific setup, your FPS will be in the teens in no time.
    Afterwards, if you don't have a system with a good backbone, then your latency will start to tank as well as the CPU/RAM/Swap starts getting overused and it puts a delay in the cycles that are managing your network connection on the PC. This is especially noticeable on older systems that barely meet specs for the client, or people who insist that they don't need to exclude the client from their AV software and firewall.​​

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  • Posts: 34 Arc User

    So we've been getting lots of complaints about the Territory Wars lag that everyone has been experiencing. We're in the process of modifying some things on the back end to try and optimize things.

    How was the lag this past week?

    What servers were you playing on?

    When did you experience the most lag?

    Was it intermittent or was it consistent throughout?

    Reply to this thread with as much detail as you can provide. Every little bit helps.

    1.Not just week think the lag started when the merged happened.


    3.Everywhere else is pretty much fine i'd start but saying west but with the 10 million cat shops i won't get to that but the tw instance it self is the lag fest i have to put every single thing to zero to the point idk what skills are casted and if i have buffs or not. The moment of going inside the base of the other faction is insta bug error report lol.

    4.Pretty much constant through out whole tw, before merge when i logged Morai i had 80 ms 60 fps and after merge its like 400ms 1-2 fps in tw, 19-35fps rest places.
  • Posts: 34 Arc User

    So we've been getting lots of complaints about the Territory Wars lag that everyone has been experiencing. We're in the process of modifying some things on the back end to try and optimize things.

    How was the lag this past week?

    What servers were you playing on?

    When did you experience the most lag?

    Was it intermittent or was it consistent throughout?

    Reply to this thread with as much detail as you can provide. Every little bit helps.

    1.Not just week think the lag started when the merged happened.


    3.Everywhere else is pretty much fine i'd start but saying west but with the 10 million cat shops i won't get to that but the tw instance it self is the lag fest i have to put every single thing to zero to the point idk what skills are casted and if i have buffs or not. The moment of going inside the base of the other faction is insta bug error report lol.

    4.Pretty much constant through out whole tw, before merge when i logged Morai i had 80 ms 60 fps and after merge its like 400ms 1-2 fps in tw, 19-35fps rest places.
  • Posts: 332 Arc User
    You can really see the FPS drop over time issue when you load the client from a SSD or even a full RAM Disk.

    Running off a RAM Disk, I get an initial FPS over 100. After about half an hour it's down into the 40-60 range. And that's just moving around Archosaur. Enter TW with that, and it's in the 30's in no time, and this is with a setup that is optimized specifically for how PWE behaves. Without that specific setup, your FPS will be in the teens in no time.
    Afterwards, if you don't have a system with a good backbone, then your latency will start to tank as well as the CPU/RAM/Swap starts getting overused and it puts a delay in the cycles that are managing your network connection on the PC. This is especially noticeable on older systems that barely meet specs for the client, or people who insist that they don't need to exclude the client from their AV software and firewall.

    is there even a client side solution for this?
    run game from HDD instead of a SSDD perhaps?

    i really tried everything egg-4.gif boosters and what not, doesnt matter egg-4.gif​​
  • Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I think the issue is that these new classes have very complex animations relative to old ones. Like stormbringers always have these 3 balls that orbit around them with particle effects and their attacks spawn mobs that also spawn more particles. When you get like 10 of these classes on each side in tw all casting their stuff in one place the CPU grinds to a halt. Single-threading doesn't work that well in 2015.

    There is also some sort of memory leak. Performance degrades the longer a TW goes on and it can get so bad that it's worth it to relog.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    asterelle wrote: »
    I think the issue is that these new classes have very complex animations relative to old ones. Like stormbringers always have these 3 balls that orbit around them with particle effects and their attacks spawn mobs that also spawn more particles. When you get like 10 of these classes on each side in tw all casting their stuff in one place the CPU grinds to a halt. Single-threading doesn't work that well in 2015.

    There is also some sort of memory leak. Performance degrades the longer a TW goes on and it can get so bad that it's worth it to relog.

    Their has been a memory leak since I can remember. Nothing changes.​​
  • Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    heero200 wrote: »

    Their has been a memory leak since I can remember. Nothing changes.

    They've fixed it a couple of times, but then break it again.​​

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