don't listen to his BS. anyways as i see your playing on a pvp server and..asking about assassin pvp ability i can give you my opinions. true cat-like tread is a unique skill but...its not really usefull till much much later lvls. imo almost all of assassins skills tend to be pvp oriented. but make sure you lvl up your…
- this is wat ppl do on PvE servers...interesting...b:sleep
i know im not the highest but i just hit 79 today. like endless just going to wait for demon/sage skills and watnot
it won't matter >.> not like anyone is going to get those weapons
i think this too, wizzys be jealous, they will see our awesome power endgame
ohk thanks man :P totally cleared that up for meh. sin ftw!
psychic=caster, assassin=melee......choose.
i personally don't see it, and ive been playing assassin till lvl 41 now. seems to attack after skills pretty quickly
psh, liar b:shutup
*sigh* pve servers...
me too pwease b:sad
i think your right, like...seriously, they've been planning the tideborn from the beginning i think.
i think this too. and also this thread is overall fail. what does it accomplish anyways? assassins get their damage from DEX so why add into str? archers get their damage from dex as well, so why into str then? its true that assassins are close combat as opposed to archer, but from ive learned from playing my assassin, the…
uh...assassins get their damage from dex, so adding into str like a fist bm would would be pretty stupid.
press "v" or you can change up your keys now anyways
what if you a nigha that earn and got money to burn?
just cs like everyone else :D
gogogo, get to lvl 100 lol
oh yeah! i ttly forgot about that 25% chance avoid skill...holy ****...bai bai HA dudes...
hamsters for the win!b:dirty
but why more pve servers than pvp? ill never understand why ppl prefer pve over pvp -__-
lmao...sin ftw
not saying i even wanted a new server, but why pve? thats so lame
PVE...which is lame imho
aw sugar your going to leave harshlands? aw...i was coming back you know. this is heaven btw...if you go to lost city i might go with you :D
good work man! will be extremely useful
yeah, thats what im saying, pure dex FTW
:O didn't you know? 'sins have a stun resist skill...
yeah, like headbands and hats...pretty neat idea imo
its totally fine tho! we are aiming for 10k >:D