rayne36 Arc User


  • "barbs are tanks, tanking is done in tiger form. end of story" Wrong. With a smart/well built cleric, (and using my own potions/apothecary items my significant other makes for me, etc.), I can tank in my regular form. Subsequently I crush bosses much faster. Part of the outcome is based on what you do, the rest is based on…
  • Your tank should be dependent on what Boss and Damage type your up against. Any intelligent group will know this and adjust accordingly. - The person who said this is very smart My main character is a hybrid build barbarian, level 58 as of yesterday. I know what I'm doing and I built myself to deal lots of damage very…
  • Thank you for your realism. I don't have 40 million to spend on a Galactic Beetle. Do you? Didn't think so...
  • "They have not shown gross negligence of the game's economy. Actually players show gross ignorance about how to operate a free market system within the game & do the most damage to themselves by misplacing value of certain objects in the game" - The person who said this is very smart. Player value is very different than in…
  • To repair the damage these packs have caused to the game, and to reduce the price of Gold back to a reasonable amount, (it was 200,000 when I started playing and stayed that way until they permanently reduced the price of mounts), it would take the effort of EVERY player. Everyone would have to reduce prices in their…
  • I read both the threads you guys mentioned but it seemed pretty arbitrary and subjective. Especially with the top 10's. The wolves weren't mentioned much, so I'm guessing they are just average pets? As for the sawfly/foxwing debate, it seems they are about even. It just depends on whether your patient to build something up…
  • Please pardon the length of this comment, but I am very interested in learning more about this game. If you're a high level player, or a high level elitist (no life player), then constructive criticism only. Otherwise you can go hang yourself or get food poisoning, whichever sounds more fun. Now... Having read a few of the…