rawrepicfail Arc User



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  • I know your pain.. I have been getting this error rather commonly since the expansion. At first I thought it was due to my net speed since my family has an addiction to streaming netflix but i then realized that I never had this problem before the expansion. Also I've gotten this error when i've had the internet to myself…
  • If you are expecting to play long enough to wipe out 8 hours of earning time a day.....I think you need to turn the comp off. b:chuckle
  • lol make an alt and do joj. I was just giving the guy some suggestions. stop being a troll. Like sylen said people dont realize you actually have to play the game. which is what i'm going to go do now. b:kiss
  • I dont disagree with this guy but at 100 rb1 you can get in fsp. People will buy items that you can make from fsp so if you really need the money thats an option. Theres also joj quests that give small amounts of money but it isnt rng dependent. I dont consider myself an hardcore player but i've never had problems paying…
  • No problem, rebirthing opens up alot of options for your toon such as primal passives which is another free stat boost available to us. So it is definately worth it.
  • While being rb2 is helpful for killing things faster because of the stat boosts there are alot of other factors that go into play also. The biggest difference being what type of gear this person has. If she was rank 9 that would be what would cost 1000 gold that you may have been looking at. However they could easily drop…
  • No there's definately something different now. All of my fashion pre-expansion has been dyed black or white using random pigments with relative ease. However, after the expansion my boyfriend and I were trying to dye an agents set to black and we easily went through about 600 event gold between us. The best we came out…
  • Not to take up for pwe by any means but it could be way worse. There was a certain game with the initials AA that was down from sunday morning to late tuesday night with 4 others servers remaining down for a full day longer. So yes it could be worse. lol.
  • Thats nice and all but he didn't even have to search the thread with the info on the expansion is on the front page....not even at the bottom of the page...
  • JD as far as I know did get a graphics update, and the very short time that i was playing fw there was talk of a "FW 2" going around and at the time they weren't sure if this was a new fw or an expansion like we have no idea. and no FW hasn't received whats been called "FW 2".
  • me either.....but at the same time if this is a new game and its far along enough to have a teaser video wouldn't the game have its own teaser website by now? As far as we've seen the logo on the concept art and video both have the w2i.wanmei.com(or whatever it is) which is the original games chinese website. Thats what…


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