raemi Arc User


  • Ah, yay! ^^ Thanks for your help, everyone. :D
  • Ah, I see..... That actually makes a lot of sense, thanks ^_^ Is there a way to find this sort of thing out, in that database site? As far as I can tell, it doesn't mention it. :o
  • Ah, here it is... http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/quest/862 It does indeed seem to give no reward... Weird. T_T
  • I'd love to tell you the name of the quest, but it disappeared from my logs. X_X I know it was a level 24-25 quest involving Quillhog Magus, for one of them. :o Is there a good site to look up the name, perhaps? Come to think of it, such a site would probably mention if its a chain quest, too. :O
  • Nope, it's not dragon quest. It might be chain quests, but the problem is that they do not direct me to anyone once they're done. They simply disappear from the quest log without either a reward or a replacement quest. Is this normal? X_X
  • Yeah, but I'm not really sure I'll be using it much, so I don't want to set back my character itself in favor of the genie. XD Besides, I'm an assassin, and don't have much spirit to spare. @_@
  • Ah, i see.....so the genie gets 10% of 10% with this kind of gap, leaving it at..................1% <_< Yeah, you're right, that IS less than one experience point! @_@ I'd better keep my genie equipped from now on, before the gap gets even worse! XD Thanks. ^^/
  • It's a fresh genie that I transfered over from another character, so it was at level one (while I am at 24). I equipped it, made sure its trade state was at "non-tradable", and went outside archosaur and killed two lesser venomous ghouls. Exp was still 0/22. T_T
  • That reply just confirms that this is the right kind of guild for me <3 Okay, my character's name is "Myii", ill keep an eye out for you, too ^-^ Thank you~!
  • Hello, would it still be possible to join your guild? Though I have a guild, it is mostly for the sake of its leader, who is my friend. I would very much like to have a larger guild which is full of nice people to talk to and make friends with, and this one seems like just that kind of guild! ^^ I don't play as often as…
  • My saying that the forums talk mostly of PvP was in reference to OTHER classes' forums, not veno's. I searched around for information before making my own topic, you see. I'm not specifically looking for parties. Heiros are something i would very much like to avoid. Cleric is too extremely party-based, I don't have long to…
  • I was thinking about making a full attack cleric myself, but I had a quick question, if that's alright... It seems that this guide is focused on PvP, but what I'm really looking for is solo'ing ability in PvE. I don't get to play much at a time, so I don't have time to find parties, and I'm not interested in PvP at all, so…