qzazn8 Arc User


  • There is no Tideborn fb19. There is a boss you fight at 19 to get the Trial Daggers (Ocean Tusker), but there is no dungeon you have to clear like there is for humans and elves.
  • I know that he is pve-oriented, but isn't it better to get a more flexible set, in case he ever changes his mind? Morai g15 is great for fulfilling his purpose, but nirvy g15 will do that and more. It's farm-able and is worth the trouble. I'm just offering the OP some options.
  • Why not go for nirvy g15? If you save up your coin, you should be able to get the whole set in due time. Then if you ever have free time in the future, you could go for g16 nirvy. If you want a reference, here is my current build: http://pwcalc.com/7794931c3968ec44 This IS a bit more expensive than morai g15, but the…
  • Okay...I've already done my research, I just wanted some nice opinions, but I guess that's too much to ask. At least answer my first question regarding rapture and canny price. What's contributing to price falls? Not enough 100+ people to buy off the supply? R9r getting cheaper? Whispers of R10's release? Or will prices…
  • tt99 sleeves+boots. If you're gonna go r9, why spend the time getting all those wedding candies for r8 boots and arms. Unless you're going r8 recast, there really isn't a point. 100-101 happens faster than you would think.
  • I agree with your point. I was in a 20v20 battle in the last 10 minutes or so. We finished a minute before the end of nation wars, so I got around 1.5k points for that battle. I know for a fact that if I had not gotten that 1.5k, I would have missed out on a significant amount of tokens. I feel that a lot of people use the…
  • Casting time for your skills should be the same no matter what type the enemy is. The only ways your skills can be interrupted is if: 1. You get stunned/silenced/slept/etc 2. Target moves out of range (most common) 3. Target dies in the middle of channeling 4. You die To solve your problem, you need to get close enough to…
  • cool map, but NECRO b:shocked
  • In my opinion, that would be way too OP. The advantage demon qs has over sage qs is the attack rate. Getting hit quickly with a bunch of arrows PLUS the fact that archers already have high critical rates is pretty much deadly. If you pit a robe class against a similarly geared demon archer and demon qs procs, that…
  • Don't worry too much about APS. It's ineffective in pvp. You should be more concerned in maximizing damage you can deal with your bow rather than fists or claws. Since the Sirens of War update, nirvana has become obsolete, so the bm/sin aps grinding has disappeared. As an archer myself, I don't have much problem getting…
  • still trying to get this done T.T it's been a week.
  • I've used this method for all my characters...Been able to max out all necessary skills and even get the sage/demon versions after 89. The "steady cash flow" isn't much at all (a few mil at most), but doing quests will make sure you have reasonable amounts of coin, exp, and spirit. Questing and grinding bought my bm her…
  • I have to disagree with the above posts. They seem to want you to focus more on Bh and less on quests. Make sure you finish what available quests you have first. Doing them will give you a steady cash flow so you can get your skills and some new pieces of gear. Doing bh after bh will cause you to level quickly without any…
  • I think the guy is trying to say that axes are far more effective than fists. Both bm builds have around 30% crit. Combining a crit with a zerk will surely make quick work of the sin. There's nothing wrong with aps like you suggested, but it definitely takes more effort to whack a sin multiple times than to finish the…
    in Who wins? Comment by qzazn8 January 2013
  • Farming the cube neck shouldn't be too bad. You could do it on your archer too, but it after you've leveled up some. If you complete cube of fate once per day, you will need 30 days to get the neck. Mind that you will spend upwards of 20-30 mil, but its much cheaper than buying the neck off the market.
  • my archer would probably use the telepath charm and turn into a turtle, but something will go horribly wrong, leaving her unable to change back. Then I guess she'll go hang out in the ocean with all her turtle buddies and explore the unknown waters to the east o_O
  • if you held your base strength to a value lower than 105 and used a tome/ring/neck engraves to bring your strength back up to 105, you can take those extra points and put them into dex. This is possible with the new nation wars tomes, dominance and emperor, though they are very expensive. This way, you can have a base of…
  • I think the poster is referring to the border around the mob's name window. I don't know if there's a name for the border types, but I know that the more elaborate the border, the tougher the mob is. That's why Krixxix's border is more elaborate than a regular mob's and why Suzerix's is even fancier.
  • you can't. there is a g15 morai set which you can buy from the various npcs in shroud/luminance/corona with influence and coin, but no recasting
  • purge is somewhat overrated. even if you do end up purging someone, if that person is r9/g16 or someone with tons of defense levels, you'll still have a hard time dealing damage. Considering all the r9rr people running around, you'll want all the attack levels you can get to smash through their possible 50+ (or even more)…
  • how can you compare two different classes with the same level of gear? bm and seeker are very different. skill will determine which is better
  • ohhh ok i know what you mean. Decompose and destroy are two different things. Decomposing is what's done at the tailor/blacksmith/whatever. Destroying takes place at the PWI Promotions Agent and takes 3 days to completely destroy the item. Usually people destroy bound items. I don't know if a fee is associated with…
  • You need a specific tailor level to decompose gears like that. Likewise, if you had a 3 star weapon, you'll need a leveled blacksmith skill. Usually it's not worth it, as the cost for decomposing the gear is like 20k (and a mirage costs 10-12k). So unless those 3 star gears have nice stats and are worth selling on the…
  • Archers have lots of anti-movement debuffs as well. Keep watching their status bar for the "immune to movement debuff" icon, then strike when the opportunity comes up. Also, stay close, and if you are sage, sage unfetter helps negate any stuns or paralysis from stunning shot and aim low. and get as close as you can. If the…
  • dont forget wings of grace and how it removes the wop speed buff b:angry
  • I'm pretty sure purge procs don't change with the weapon. You also shouldn't sorry too much about soul shatter vs. spirit blackhole, spirit blackhole is like 1-2% more likely to proc than soul shatter. If this bow you want to make is just for a quick purge, i think g15 would be easier to make, not to mention cheaper. And I…
  • Don't do it. I was in Changchun (NE china) and saw a bunch of guys playing PWCN at an internet cafe. I thought I'd try logging into PWI, but got banned just as fast. b:shocked I sent an email explaining the situation to the support people and they unbanned me, but yea this is my personal account.
  • nah, i dont think solo tt is worth your time until you are at least lv 90 with a similar level pet. Good luck!
  • Cleric in Full Delta: "uh shoot I'll be back in a few, I have to make dinner and pick up my kids." Usually this isn't a problem because all clerics really do it bb the whole time (plus she was charmed), but she chose to leave right before wave 3 started. b:cry
  • i assume ur talking about tt solo mode. Chintien is really easy in solo mode, but I really don't know if a 60 veno can pull off such a feat. If you brought a veno friend along and both of you healed one glacial, you could probably get the job done. Now if it's squad mode ur talking about, just know that Chintien will hit…