A way through Archers and Psychics?

Posts: 22 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Seeker
Well, let's say that my wife and I have been trying to find a way to kill Archers and Psychics, both being R9, with an R9 seeker. She's being annoyed by them in instances like NW and TW and plain PvP. So far, we've tried many tactics, but non of them worked. Either gets stunned and killed or killed before reaching them. I'd like to know more tactics, or more ways to be able to beat them, so I came here to the Seeker community, seeking help through this issue, which might be discussed by other threads that I haven't found as I searched. Thanks in advance. ^^
Post edited by DragoAhmad - Archosaur on


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  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I fight against r9 archers and psychics all the time and this is what i do. and on that note, i have never had problems with any other rank 9 class being a rank 9 seeker myself now. Its only when they gank and purge me that i m in trouble. if its 1 v 1, i can hold my own and sometimes i can even hold for a very long time against 5 or 6 rank 9 peeps.

    edged blur is your friend against any class after the last major update on it. It ignores ur opponent's defense level while also taking into account your own attack level and deals pure damage against any classes at any time(even through AD).

    so if i were to fight against psychics, i always check their buffs. the major thing against them is u gotta recognize all their buffs and what they mean for you. if they have soul of stunning on, just hit fortify or sage unfetter and attack them. For their soul of retailiation, i dont worry too much as a rank 9. Most psychics will try to use their most powerful attacks as soon as they see you. In this scenario, you can either tank em if youve got the hp or pop out dew of star protection or some sorta reduce damage kinda thing.

    In most NWs, i don't like to give psychics a chance to attack me so i heartseeker them to lock them in place then teleport stun them, pop out edged blur and start hitting em with my physical attacks combined with blade affinity(gemini, arme nier and even stalagstrike and darkcloud belt). Most of the time, this does the trick with extreme poison from the genie.
    Other times, some are smart and hit their immunity to phy attack skill. see, thats why i use my edged blur cuz its pure damage and it deals both phy/mag def.

    Against archers, similar tactic but you gotta be careful of their purge. i pop out a dew as soon as i get purge and buff myself and attack em with both my metal/phy attacks combined with genie skills. again, similar tactic like against psychics. and ofc quid pro quo when we get metal debuff.

    All in all, edged blur is my best friend while fighting against other rank 9s now. its so good you'll wanna use it everytime xD
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Never knew Edged Blur could do that. xD Tyvm, we'll try all that next NW, I'm sure it'll be fun. b:victory
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Rank 9 Psys with high soulforce are a pain in the **** for everybody... not just Seekers. With their souls of "whatever" skills, physical immunity skill, and quick channeling attacks... they can be beasts in PVP. The thing is though... catch them in black voodoo (or even QPQ sacrificial slash when they're in white) and they become by far the squishiest of all the caster classes. You just have to learn their buff icons and bide your time. Easier said than done, I know. Hax above does give some good tips although I'm a bit skeptical on how effective Edged blur really is on well geared casters (EB bypasses defense levels and damage reduction skills but it's effects are still lessened by their naturally high magic defense. :) Still... it's one more damage skill to stack with the rest I suppose.

    R9 Archers thankfully are much easier as really the only thing you should have to worry about as a R9 Seeker against them is the random purge. Metal attack skills are your best friend here since LA classes as a rule tend to wear gear that boosts physical defense (LOL... Archers still get nightmares about being ganked by Sins b:chuckle) such as the cube protection necklace or garnet shards... at the expense of mag defenses.

    Basically you should be triggering blade affinity and then in the space of 6 seconds (3 of which they will be silenced if sage QPQ)...

    QPQ sac. slash -> ion spike -> heart seeker -> battousai -> any other attacks you can squeeze in.

    99% of the time all it takes is a zerk or a crit (or zerk/crit b:dirty) somewhere within that barrage and its bye bye Archer.
  • Posts: 441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    everythign against Psy and archer got pretty much said by hexalot ^^

    also, for archer, stay in melee range on them to cut off some fo their damage + use edged blur to deal damage too. archer havign low m.def cuz of sin fear + ion spike debuff make edged blru tear apart archers b:chuckle

    (sorry if my typos are annoying, being a bit lazy)
    Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Archers have lots of anti-movement debuffs as well. Keep watching their status bar for the "immune to movement debuff" icon, then strike when the opportunity comes up. Also, stay close, and if you are sage, sage unfetter helps negate any stuns or paralysis from stunning shot and aim low. and get as close as you can. If the archer leaps away, catches you with a stun, then demon quickshot, it doesn't take long for you to die b:cry b:pleased
    Not all my toons are female! I have a barb b:pleased
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    When you use edgedblur, can you then use other skills while it's 12 sec time frame is active? Or is that the only skill you can use during that time?
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    pyrocix wrote: »
    When you use edgedblur, can you then use other skills while it's 12 sec time frame is active? Or is that the only skill you can use during that time?

    You can use other skills, move around while it's active, etc.
  • Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The only thing I can really add to the 'fighting an archer' discussion is:
    Archers are ranged characters, pure ranged, so fighting them where they're strong is silly.
    Stay outside their range, or be 'too close for comfort'. Void step is a great help with getting from outside their range to 'too close for comfort'.

    Sage / Demon Voidstep has a 38 meter range, way beyond the range or reach of any Archer's bow, it's just a matter of experience to know when you are outside their range while they are within your reach.

    Sage unfetter is invaluable for me... 4 seconds of anti stun might not seem like a lot, but it's a killer... especially with my new personal favorite seeker skill!

    Rewinding gesture... is a ***** now. For only 20 chi... you get 12 seconds of +15% critical chance AND reset cooldown on Unfetter and Voidstep...

    -Sage unfetter cooldown reset = another 4 seconds anti stun, right away available
    -Voidstep reset = stun lock assurance if they try to run
    -+15% Critical chance (great for landing that killing blow you wanted...OR...) the duration of edged blur just happens to be 12 seconds...and has twice your crit rate's chance to deal 1.5 times normal damage... so this is boosts it by 30% for it's full duration...that's pretty nice...

    I've experimented with stun locking on my seeker at times...I would do Voidstep - Occult Ice - Heartseeker + Sage QPQ - Voidstep - Occult
    I never got it to last longer and it took work, but it can be useful to occupy opponents especially if it's a single target in a TW that you're trying to keep from being effective for a long as possible, and there's no bm or sin around to stun lock the guy.

    Voidstep and Occult Ice are definitely my favorites, Heartseeker being more a troll to do to them what they do to us with 'Aim Low'.

    I hate to say it but...archers should really not be so much of a problem so long as you make sure of one thing...
    Do not get stuck in aim low / stunning arrow without apothecary / absolute domain / double or triple spark / sage unfetter or void step ready, and the rest is just experience and experimentation... ways of fighting will depend greatly on your and your opponent's style of play, as well as the availability of skills and apothecary and genie etc...

    To address Psychics...is for me kind of hard... for a long time I struggled vs psy who were always much stronger...and I could never compete... recently I made a big jump in gear and now I am usually the stronger one...so it's hard to say but...what I've found to work is:
    when psychic will goes up, that's a good time to use occult ice or void step + quid pro quo.
    Edged blur isn't a bad call, but start it off with anti stun and heartseeker to make sure they will have to tank it fully, or you just wasted 2 hard to get sparks.

    I cannot say anything about sacrificial slash on white voodoo...
    but I can advise that if you let a psychic stun you, your chances of getting him into black voodoo are much higher, and once in black, the first thing you can to do is keep them there, void step or a quick quid pro quo will do the trick, from there a gemini or arme nier should do the rest...

    Let me say one last thing...from the moment you start ATTACKING a psychic, it would be smart of have either immunity to all debuffs Faith (genie skill) or complete immunity AD / IG / Pan Gu's Essence or anti stun + immunity to silence (will surge - genie skill)
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    I cannot say anything about sacrificial slash on white voodoo...

    You do have it though, right ?

    If not, you need to get it A.S.A.P. b:chuckle

    If you do have it... then it's one of the best ways of counter Psy's who like to stay in white voodoo... not to mention it being a "tank buster" debuff skill on enemy R9s in general. In NW, I'm constantly looking for targets to use the BA/SS/QPQ combo on whenever they are out of cool down.

    Seekers lack reliable (and by "reliable", I'm referring to the various stances here) debuff skills outside of metal damage only ion spike and thus sacrificial slash was obviously created to address that issue.
  • Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have never relied much on debuffing in general, but waiting for a moment when my opponent is in cooldown, or just fumbles, I've always been used to fighting much stronger opponents until recently when I went rank 9 and r9r a few months thereafter...
    and ever since the new expansion...even a zerk on heartseeker seems to dismiss
    most casters when I am trying to immobilize then XD

    I recently redid my genie to include tangling mire and extreme poison,
    but I'm looking into making a 7 skill genie... torn between a bunch of useful skills...some of which
    come at a high cost like...
    Cloud Eruption is one I really like...but the 7 metal 5 earth affinity doesn't go with Faith for 7 fire
    that leaves no room for absolute domain or other wood or water based skills...so I'm really torn...
    But for fighting psychics I would say either Faith or Will Surge + Anti stun is a MUST


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