first thing i did when i started playing pwi (over 5 years ago) was spam up hundreds of accounts. because new games always give away free things when they first come out, so glad i did, i only use 2 at a time but hypotheticly i have hundreds, just never bother with most, if curios last time i counted/ checked my notbook i…
how about the GMs do what they use to back in the day and use the system message to communicate to us, keep wc drama under controll. why add a special peice of programming when you already have the capability.
nothing new, if you arent a cash player you get crapped on, tickets dont get answered, oh and if you get good gear with out cashing expect a players get away with everything now
pwi doesn't care about the economy, the game is 5 years old, they've made their money now they just let it die out. its all about the cash you throw down here, those who spend cash can break rules and make them, but us farmers and f2p suffer, except for me i found a niche where i can make millions in an hour.
get rid of bh eu and bring back either bh ws or possible make nirvi a bh
if you stop randomly then the problem is either a macro issue or your getting hung up on objects, basicly learn to make a macro and learn where to place your bot.
My Mystic out bot sins at my lvl 101 2nd rb, im in full g16 +6. NV hit mobs for 60% of their hp so when a sin comes along they finish the kill and i get the loot, I bot moria, on a sage mystic, heaven on a sage mystic and have an archer that bots random places...between all my bots I make decent coin, but merching is way…
does it bind upon recasting?
blaming "auto cultivation" for inflation is the same as blaming merching for inflation. I know many who use auto cultivation, and I can say that here on DreamWeaver server I have yet to see "bot" that makes 800k in 10 mins. I farm for 1 hour and make 4mill +. Not counting my merching shop, i easily make more coin than any…
well now i know why, thanks for the info on the mobs, my mystic wont be using gale force in there anymore.b:victory
who the *&%$ pays for g16, ok 2 weeks of nw, thats 4 nw's i had enough raps/cannies to make g15 TT based. once i was in full g15 it took me 2 weeks of farming ws to get the molds and badges to make g16. only mold that i had a hard time getting was my AA hat mold, got that on a bh lunar run. if you are lazy enough to just…
first off play on a polish server, if a polish server isnt available then go to the EU =servers, not RT....sick of players like you flooding american servers and then look for polish faction....
yes, i agree 2x is not needed, hell even the 2x xp is not needed as ppl can just bot while they sleep or at work. giving us 2x would just cause a flood into the economy and make things more unstable. least here on DW the economy is semi stable tokens been at ame price now for 2 weeks, wheras when auto culti first came it…
even before we had auto culti there were botters, no botting tech but all someone had to do was make a seeker, give seeker mp charm, set up vortex and bang self made bot. I used to have my sin in squad with seeker, so i would bp the seeker and use my sin to pull mobs to vortex LOL made millions in dq drops per hour, wasnt…
i have a similar problem, i can log into game and the forums, but cannot log into arc, i've tride using the email and still cant log into arc, which means no blessings, no free promo codes for like 50 gold, chatrms etc....just pissed