priesteres1 Arc User


  • mmm i saw the sin hit it ye that could be it ty, i make a speech about it see if it helps lol But really that might be it lets see if next run goes better .im clercin so i never spawn that damn thing lol
  • ye that what i thought too ,just not sure
  • b:laugh i think he scared of getting killed all the time lol
  • nope we run this TT more oftend and usually without anypain soulripper always made an apearence .Just the last 2 times he diddent .So i wunder if more people had this .
  • I removed it srry dont wanna give more problems although i think he shamed himself just took screenies .
  • oke will do that thanks i wil remove the link I stil wanna add he shamed himself shouldend have done it in the firstplace
  • U should look into this Tubes dowloaded from sites or colecting them it is stil or can be copyright material. Unless u took ure own picture and made that into a tube in psp. Im a graphic designer i know i have a lot of stuf stolen from me by so called collectors. If u made ure own tube with some one else its picture its…
  • ye its just a ame indeed .And i agree with a lot of people lol the reason im not in any fac is of the demands beeing placed when i just wanna do summething else lol . I made my cleric to help my other char and my friends thats it the rest i see as i go along the cleric road lol .My main is a psy (DD) ya also magic .But i…
  • hear hear i so agree . Why would i wanna buy another chest when u can only open one chest with a hammer and the hammer is still exspensive .More exspensive then the chest wil ever be .I trow chest out when im on lvl 50 its just not worth it . Besides isent it 500 dq points to get the chest on the vendor list ?why on earth…
  • lol i actually love my alt cleric .But i have to say she is not in any fac to find .And i keep it that way .Ye i help lowers to revive on my way ,i dont squad up for my tasks and i dont like random squads allthough i sometimes do them. I had a random squad with my hubby as tank hes barb or bm .In that squad were my hubby…