Login rewards are free and require no money, gold, or coins (of either variety). This is not exploiting people, and while there maybe should be a fix, assuming you're talking about February 30 and 31 of 2024, giving simply everyone the reward doesn't seem like a good idea.
Why aren't you using the homestead weapon, aka dragonbreath, aka g17?
Patch servers are overloaded from everyone using them at once. Wouldn't be surprised if the people who use ten computers are partially culpable As for the rest of you, thanks for the issue list I'll be sure to add them to the wiki patch notes. As a reminder, I am not staff, and PWE staff will likely never read this post —…
This happens to me too on occasion when I go afk between launching from Arc and selecting my server; it's honestly a miracle I didn't get kicked to log in after installing the patch. Try making the total time between pressing the play button on Arc and selecting the server less than a minute
QSM 85 has warding and slaying levels?
I do not work for PWE, I'm trying to galvanize as much support from us players to get the devs on this asap
This is a known issue. Please submit a ticket, as the more people submit tickets rather than doing the workaround the better the chances that the devs implement a fix.
We are now in a state of the wiki where feedback is once more appreciated. Please reply to this message with any serious issues on any wiki page which is not on my list of priorities (linked in my signature).
I've just been farming it from all the codes with the S chests they've been dropping, my dusk was created a year ago and has 4/6
Hi, replying since you're so persistent. First and foremost, I'm not staff either on forums or at PWE. So I have access to the same information y'all do. However, I can say this: the initial quest to for the title chains you speak of was built into the game with an expiration date for the quest. In total, seven chains…
Hi, generally speaking new characters can quickly and efficiently close this gap to the point of being able to access large parts of end-game content within a month of starting via the Beginner Event. The Storm Teleport Stone players receive at the end of the Celestial Vale Perfect World Anecdote is massively helpful to…
I would also love to see some events. Particularly, I'd love to see Jungle Ruins, Celestial Tigers, and winter snowmen come back. Plus, could we please stop having it be summer? How long have we done the summer season daily for now?
I'm surprised they're working on "fixing" this at all - they aren't broken to my knowledge, but had a built-in expiry on the initial quest. The following title chains have such an expiry:* The Frozen River (expired 26 June 2023) * Volcanic Purgatory (expired 10 July 2023) * City of Misfortune (expired 7 August 2023) * Door…
I would like to note that messing with the files is NOT an officially endorsed solution by staff, unless you've been told otherwise. In fact, heero recommends against doing this so as to not delay the speed of an actual fix. I have included the text that you need to input to copy/paste in the wiki patch notes (which are…
What is the description for the new upgrade to Plume Shot, requiring level 99 culti?
Anyone know what the level 99 culti version of Plume Shot on cleric does? it's missing text and didn't exist yesterday
It is currently 24:00 PDT. PDT is Pacific Daylight Time. It is currently 23:00 *PST*. PST is Pacific Standard Time. Signed, Someone for whom it actually makes a difference (I live in Mountain time)
It's complicated, and depends on your definition of best, but my preference is my current faction: PalmBeach