pathion Arc User


  • Ok this idea involves a bit of a risk .. but Ive used it several times and had no problem. First you will need to create another charactor to act as your mule (Baggage carrier). Make the new char the same race so you have the same start area. This toon will be used to pick up items dropped from your fist toon. You then…
  • Their are several things that can make playing this game mostly solo. I get more os a sense of accomplishment figureing things out on my owm. safe routes though an area, pulling a single mob from a group, and not having others handle diferent espects of a kill. I learn to be my tank, dps, puller, ext as the need arises.…
    in Solo Comment by pathion September 2008
  • When the servers crash it can give you the opertunity to run over to a hi lev tower or area to get a free sneek peek of the area withoit fear of harm. As far as the server is concerned you are still in the spot you were in when the server went down. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincind the world that…
  • If (When) the servers crash while you are in game, as far as the game is concerned your toon is still standing in the same spot that you were in when it crashed. As long as you dont close programe you have some free time to run and explore hi lev areas to get a good looksy at the area for later fighting. A sneek peek. "The…