Inventory Help Please

dreadheart Posts: 12 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
I've been only playing for about 4 days, and going into my 2nd day my inventory was full so I went to sell stuff which I had been doing without a problem the first day of play, anyway I went to sell stuff and I got a message that I could not complete the action because of a safey lock on my inventory I click on that lock and it said 1hr and 32 minutes, so I changed the time limit to 3 minutes after the 32 minutes were up I was able to sell, well here is the problem every time I Login the safety lock is still set for 2 hrs. Well I used the GM call and they told me not to touch the safety lock for 72 hrs ad it will default back will that means if my inventory is full I can't play and if I do any good drops I can't pickup because my inventory is full. There has to be a way to turn this lock off and leave off. Please help
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  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The "Safety Lock" is currently on top of my "most stupid and useless feature ever seen in a F2P game" section.

    The thread in the Technical Support forum says:

    "If you have accidentally set the Safety Lock for too long, it is possible to change it. Simply go into the Safety Lock settings and enter the new time. Keep in mind, it will take seventy-two hours of real time before the Safety Lock setting changes go into effect. If you try to change your Safety Lock settings again during this time, the seventy-two hour waiting period will restart, so please be patient."

    So basically, the GM was right --- set it to a very short time, then DO NOT TOUCH it.
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(
  • pathion
    pathion Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok this idea involves a bit of a risk .. but Ive used it several times and had no problem.
    First you will need to create another charactor to act as your mule (Baggage carrier).

    Make the new char the same race so you have the same start area. This toon will be used to pick up items dropped from your fist toon.
    You then need to search sround for a relitivly safe spot for the drop (easier said then done) a small enclosed space behind a building perhaps.
    Park your mule in this spot 1st. log your main char and do your drop in that spot and imediatly log on the mule for pickup.

    Now the inherant risk in this move is obvious so drop only the items that you are least worried about loosing in case someone else sees the drop in the 15 seconds that it will be vulnerable.

    By the way .. IM RIGHT BEHIND YOU.... Lol