

  • You realize that they could just take off PK mode, and you would have no power over them? Best thing would have been to contact the officers privately, publically threatening them reduces the chances they'll listen to you. Threatening in general does this, and making it public just puts more at stake. Finally, you realize…
  • Humans are obsessed with greed, true. But removing the ability to change prices results in a massive depression if the money supply changes. For example, in the great Depression (in US anyway, Germany was different) the money supply constricted, which meant everyone had less money. So that means that a $1 apple was worth…
  • I do have my facts straight. Without changing prices, you can never account for inflation or deflation, and your economy will collapse. State-mandated prices can never keep up with market-driven forces. Why do you want to remove supply and demand from the game? Do you want to make sure there are equal numbers of venos and…
  • What kind of world do you live in? Wal-mart buys pillows for $4, and sells them to you for $5, should we get the government in on it to sue them into oblivion? Seriously, do you want mods going around deciding what market prices should be? Now, maybe I'm just a huge expert, but I thought it was obvious that: 1. You don't…
  • Are we even playing on the same server? I've *never* been pk'ed by RQ, they've happily helped with my fb19, 29, and 39, and I have actively hunted other clan PK'ers with their members. I've been killed maybe once every 3 levels (I'm level 48 now) and it's a TON of fun. Unless you make yourself the most obvious target (and…