ongakuangel Arc User


  • my arguement for wizzie - Cooler looking attacks. Psy is Over Powered. but if you're gonna argo steal in PvP and die (which seems to happen more to psy the wiz) at least make it look epic beofre you die ( i <3 my dragon). My freind had a wizzie, but rolled a psy when his account got messed over. Ask him which he prefers,…
  • So, while you are agenst vit build wizzie, i learned fast that a pure dies fast. and with upped magic attack, we also steal argo (i've yet to meet more the 2 good barbs and therefore im notmally with a bm tank- fail argo hold). after we take argo, you'll be one shotted and a dead wizzie (this is pve btw). with my extra…
  • Hey so i have a lvl 53 all water wiz. i just thought id look at forums while i patched up. I find this one really helpful (though its long and i didn't read past page 4). I just have a question: no one mentions anything about specializing in one element. My wiz is all water, save for my un-leveld beginning skills. I learns…
  • neh i happen to be talking to him at the time. you're right, my veno is no longer part of his friends list. thank you for helping me!!! b:victory
  • my veno cannot whisper him, seeing as M is always offline to her. We get along really well, i really like him. i dont think he tried to block/delete my veno :(