Where are my cookies Stryke :). Go Go Go Odin, great job with the new guild.
its true, every time u make your cultivation bigger u will lose less exp. After lvl 29 culti 4%, 39 culti 3,5%, 49 culti 3%, 59 culti 2,5%, 69 culti 2 %, 79 culti 1%, 89 culti 0,6 %, 99 culti 0,4%. Thats all i know.
I had the same problem, i instaled WinRaR 3,71 after that and it worked fine, could be some old WinRaR problems. Try the last one WinRaR 3,71
Barbarian is not the right name for WB, because he is made for tanking bosses, i dont think a barbarian is doing that. U lvl a little harder with him because of the low damage, but later when u higher lvl, u can aoe with him pretty good.
Here it is my Barbarian from another server. I dont like the name Barbarian, because this char isnt a barbarian :(