nadss Arc User


  • Didn't sweettooth 1 shot that boss a couple years ago lol?
  • Why? Pink quest chains and quests in general give more XP than FC. Also if a person has just 1h to play why bother to power lvl to 100?
  • None, they all 4 equally dead
  • Lol I guess I'll find out myself.
  • I've had major ping issues just with tideswell server while not experiencing any problem playing on Dawnglory or west coast servers
  • You have the right to voice ur opinions, that doesn't what you say it's smart. If someone really wants the helm it doesnt really matter spend 300m more than its real price, if you can afford to pay 1.7b for 1 single piece of gear u can most likely spend 2b (and ik ppl who would've bought it if they actually were on during…
  • Honestly the pure fact this guy sharded amber shards is laughable lol. If u had a point doing so why ppl would spend bilions on jades/deities?
  • No as far as i know (atleast with paypal, idk about other methods)
  • Who would care about pve on g17r3+ weapons when QSM weapons out DD them? The proc you end up picking will be the best for ur playstyle and class. Honestly i dont know if "gof" proc on casters is good unless u have god like gears (nemki). The untargettable proc seems to be the best choice but idk, normal purify is still one…
  • So why didnt u buy that during key sale? Even with 2 weeks of sale we got what? 2 CoMs? I think 2b is a fair price for something really rare an u are sure to get without spending milions on keys or packs. As stated CoM its a very rare piece of gear and if it was lets say 1.5b i bet merchants would ve tried to make profit…
  • The amount of dailies, DH, UP, homestead, bh is just too much for ppl having any time left to pk. Plus there is cross server "pk" now, which actually reward you, so why waste charms on useless west gate pk?
    in No more pk? Comment by nadss June 2017
  • To be fair during the NP promos theres never been anything worth in boutique to buy and merch with in order to recycle 1200g in 2 weeks. The only thing i can remember were the 15-20 apti orbs during one of the sales, the rest either had lame packs (sunshine packs) or barely no sales at all.
  • And u pointing fingers at CSers that are complaing about not getting their last card. Think at ppl who bought 5 cards and now they get to see this. No 1 is blaming our actual CM but since shes like the only active pwi related person we get to speak with ofc shes gonna get the heat. Base NP isn't overpowered as u said but…
  • Ok joe maybe you want a tissue after sucking pwi [Redacted] in this post. You are like the annoying kid at school that reminds the teacher to check homeworks. WHO df are you to judge other servers players? Do u really think SVS is a good way of doing that? Cause uk a lot of US players cant attend that and anyhow u get…
  • Pwi is so smart that pulled out this promo after last week outrageous 2.2k g for an S card. Do you really think the players are this dumb to not recognize it? Really make up ur mind cause atm u have to charge 250g for a josd/deity while here if u'r lucky u can get one for 45. This was a clear attempt to calm down ppl that…
  • So just hoorah has the right to merge with an other faction?
  • Atleast in your server you dont have tempest leadership banning or trying to others contenders leaders so they cant bid last week of the season.
  • So factions that were on top will still have the upper hand in the new season.. Wtf of "reset" is that?